View Full Version : lower than low

07-05-10, 22:39
i have bipola and at themomenti havent got my meds the chemist messed them up since i joind that repeat servise
i feel so down and desprate for somthign to happen just the change the situation im in i feel like crying consatly and jsut wanna hide in bed all day long im scread ro even go out unless forced and i ahve all these presuse that just seem to ovehlem me so much it hurts to smile so meny things out of my controll that i ahve to bear and no way of escpae for the first time in 7 months i fel like sh again an di dont want to do it im fight with al my will to not give int o the utter depsaire that eats at me my vocies are getting loud and i ahve no way of blocking then out so iv turned to drink i want to talk but i just cant geet out how i truly fel in case i upset or offend any one

sorry to waffle on xx

07-05-10, 22:57
Hi Georga if you haven't got your regular prescription meds then it is inevitable that you will begin to feel ill again very quickly. If you have the number for the crisis team I suggest you ring them or the out of hours doctors service so that you can see someone and get your meds sorted out. I'm sorry that you are feeling like this. I take lithium myself and I know how dangerous it would be for me to miss a dose. As far as the sh is concerned you are probably feeling more vulnerable because of the mix up with your drugs. I would try some distraction techniques but again talk to the crisis team as they will know how to deal with it. I hope you feel better soon.

07-05-10, 23:47
im not under then crises team any more so cant ring them im screard to ring the outof hours in cse they laugh at me and roy is asleep on the sofa i justeaad butted the wlal to try and stop the vocies and im just crying so much i cant sayinanything to anyone case they lock me up : thanks for yr reply

08-05-10, 00:09
Hi Georga,

I do feel for your struggling and hope your ok.

It is important that you get your medication. Please contact whoever you need to, in order to get it sorted asap. I know it feels difficult cos you think your bothering people but your needs are greater than theirs. Or can you get somebody else to help sort it out for you.

No more head butting ok. Have you tried listening to music on an ipod to distract you from the voices. And do talk about it if you want to. You dont sound mad, I dont think anybody will lock you up. Dont give up Hope, your just struggling alot at the moment.

You take care .. andrew

08-05-10, 00:15
i honeslty dont thinki can fight this sh feelingi ghaving its taking over so fast and much i just wann block everything roy did to me and all the things that are killing me slowly inside


08-05-10, 00:23
hopers please please call out of hours, you have to do this, they will be able to help you, x

08-05-10, 00:31
Hi again Georga,

You can get through this, dont give up Hope, wishing you some support.

take care .. andrew

08-05-10, 00:35
can some pleae take this from me im falling apart im sceard to phone any one cae i wake royup and hell be mad and i dont wanna be hit agin i feel ike shid theonly way to make it all stop i need shotting or somthing :( im pertectic

08-05-10, 00:58
hi georga, i'll take it, give it to me - did it help?
you dont need shooting, you just need to get some help and support.
just phone, worry about the rest afterwards
take care .. andrew