08-05-10, 09:36
hi,im really scared and dont know wot to do anymore,im 22 weeks pregnant and im suffering from very bad panic/anxiety attacks,i used to suffer from them a few yrs ago and now theyve cum bk,i ended up going a&e lastnite as i got chest pains that bad i thought there was summit seriously wrong with my heart and because i was that anxious wen i got there my pulse was 150-60 which i was told was very high even if i was panacking which made me even worse wen they said that,anyway i ada ecg done and they said it was fine but then i ad 2 wait 4 the doc to cum 2 explain more things and why i mite be getting the pains but they said it was going be a 5hour wait 4 the doc 3 cum and i didnt av time 2 wait that long as i needed get bk home so now i just as worried still coz i still dnt know why im getting these pains and will summit happen to my heart if its going that fast,please sumone help me,i really need sum advice.

08-05-10, 10:09
I had terrible palpitations when I was pregnant with my daughter, scared the hell out of me! Told my doc who said it was commen in pregnancy but sent me to get a 24 hour ecg thingie done, purely for my own reassurance. Of course it was completely normal! I am sure you are absolutely fine, it is v normal in pregnancy as your heart rate increases to pump round all the extra blood. Why not give your midwife a call for a bit of reassurance

08-05-10, 11:10
I am not pregnant and I get a heartrate of 140bpm whenever I am in any medical setting even just my Gp surgery so taking into account your heartrate increases when you are pregnant then add on the anxiety and it is not that bad - I have terrible problem with medical places as they inevitably take your BP and pulse and when mine is found to be so fast they often insist on an ecg which has always been fine and then I am allowed home. I only have to sit in the wiating room at my Gp at from perfectly normal pulse it shoots up to 140 and takes ages to come down again.

The more you worry the longer it will stay fast- easy to say but true.

On the pains front did anyone tell you that when you are pregnant all your tendons and ligament loosen its natures way of preparing you for labour which means that some people ( I was one of them) got terrible aches and pains all through pregnancy and with me they were in my chest and back of shoulders.

08-05-10, 11:25
Hi Kaz. I have had these many times and had lots of ecgs to. If there was anything serious then after your ecg they would not have asked you to wait to see the doctor. If they picked up anything you will have been put on another ecg hun, but being told you have to see the doctor doesnt make me feel concerned at all. Are you on any medication? I would definatley see your doctor and ask for some medication. I no you are pregnant and its probably not something you want to do but meds will make you feel better.. I had an op done a couple of months ago and my heart rate was 135. I think its because you were scared and panicing and dont forget being pregnant makes your heart beat ALOT faster anyways. x

08-05-10, 11:34
hi kaz im pregnant and omg my heart has gone mad past few weeks, my sister has been a nurse for 30 years and told me its normal for missed heart beats fast heart etc in pregnancy is this your first???

08-05-10, 15:01
My heartrate always goes up to about 150/160 when im having a panic attack and they told me at hospital that its totally normal and they have even seen faster so I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Kirst xxxx

Cell block H fan
08-05-10, 19:23
Kaz, calm down. Most people dont know the specifics of their heart rate. There is a reason for that, they dont look for it. Sometimes when we are stressed we get nasty symptoms, but you can look into things too much. A little knowledge is dangerous. It's a true saying. One which my doctor said years & years ago.
You're pregnant, a wonderful time, once the baby is here you wont have time to be worrying about things like anxiety causes.
I was 24 when I got pregnant, & had been worrying about health for a couple of years by then. My gran said to me you wont have time to worry about your health soon! And she said you wouldn't have got pregnant if there was something bad wrong with you. She was old school.
She has gone now bless her. But she was right. And my children are now 15 & 13. I am 39. And I am still here! I worry about health issues, that's why I am here. But not half as much as back then.
I sill come on here to offer even a little bit of advice to people going through what I used to put myself through. But i'm no expert of course.
Do what you can to block this health anxiety out of your head & concentrate on the baby. You have some fab times ahead. They are happy days.