View Full Version : Am I goin mad?? :(

08-05-10, 10:40
I have constant hart worrie am so scared of having a hart attack every sceond is like waitin to have one I get pain in my left arm sumtimes in the top sometimes the bottom I get tingling on my hands an I think I get hart burn but I don't no if I do! I don't think I have ever had legitimate hart burn so I think I can turn any sensation around my chest area into hart burn

What's your thoughts on this plz help can't take this no more

08-05-10, 11:18
I totally understand how your feeling as I'm the same! Whenever my heart races or I get a palpitation I freak and think I'm having a heart attack! With the help of CBT I'm trying to challenge these thoughts. Think about it you have had these symptoms 100's of time b4 and you HAVE NOT had a heart attack! Therefore what you are experiencing is all the symtoms of anxiety! Your ARE NOT having a heart attack! If you were you'd know about it! You are having a panic attack and unhelpful thoughts that are fueling your anxiety! Anxiety causes so many physical symptoms! There is s post on here titled something like "before you see dr google" not sure if that's exact title, but it's on first few pages in this health anxiety section! It's a great post listing all the symptoms if anxiety and everything u described is on there!
I hope this helps a little bit and please remember your not going mad and your not alone, your suffering with anxiety! Would help to visit dr just to seek some reassurance and possible medication for anxiety and theraphy!?
Take care and be kind to yourself x

08-05-10, 11:32
Hi Jay. You are not alone in this. Many people including myself suffer with this all the time. Just last night my heart began to beat faster, and i had chest pains and eptopic beats where all of a sudden i was getting these thuds in my chest and i to think omg im going to have a heart attack. But what we have to keep telling ourselfs Jay that we are NOT having a heart attack. These are all the symptoms of anxciety. And the more we think of it, the more you will feel the pain. Trust me Jay i no this because this is one thing iv struggled with for years. Firstly you need to relax. And no that nothing is going to happen to you. As soon as you can do this, you will notice you will feel better. If you carry on stressing your body out like this and like i did with mine then yes we will both probably end up having a heart attcak because ofthe stress we keep putting our body through.. But i am slowly learning to ignore the pains, the numb hands, the rapid beats and eptopics. Because iv got to. Otherwise i will end up doing damage to my heart through being so stressed out all the time x

10-05-10, 07:54
Hey thank you both for your messages it made me feel slot better a think sumtimes with HA you just need sum one to tell u that your gonna be okey thanks xxx