View Full Version : friend has let me down!

08-05-10, 11:35
Ive had a really bad couple of years and my bestfriend always been their for me,but now im happy its like she doesnt like it!!I have met a luvly guy who makes me very happy and i am about to start a new career!she doesnt seem interested when i talk to her about the good things,and i have come to realise how shes only their when something bad happens,doesnt want to know when im happy!

08-05-10, 13:47
:hugs:lol this is a joke! - this is exactly how ppl treat me, and its totally pants!!!!! dont let her get away with it - by which i mean dont let her lack of interest or support stop you form doing what you want or make you sad - this is her problem not yours! you have dealt /are dealing with your issues, so learn to know where to draw the line when it isnt you - my thoughts are with you , as this is particularly upsetting when youve already suffered enough:hugs:

08-05-10, 13:55
Perhaps she's feeling threatned by you new boyfriend ?,Also now that your life is now going somewhere ,you will be moving on and she may lose you as a friend ?. I think if you maybe told her how much you value her as a friend she will be able to look at things in a different way .Sometimes friends are very possesive and feel insecure when life changes for you and their own stays the same ..Real friends last regardless of circumstances because they grow and move with you .I hope you manage to sort things out as you obviously feel upset by this .All the best Sue x:hugs:

08-05-10, 21:24
thank u for replys,yeh it has upset me,but im not going to let it get to me,up to now things looking good for me finaly,if she cant be happy for me she cant be a true friend

08-05-10, 23:14
hun if she is a true friend, then she will b happy for you, in what ever you do and be there for you when u need them, if thats not the case then they not really true friends, its sad cos i have experienced this, but b strong and sometimes we have to b a little selfish and think of ourselves, it doesnt make us bad people big hugs xxx