View Full Version : Dealilng with sub conscious anxiety...

18-02-04, 09:00
Hi folks,

I've suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember, but what has always puzzled me is that it seems to be predominantly subconscious - in other words mentally I don't generally feel worried about things, in fact people generally say I am the calmest person they know. But I have a constantly pounding heart and pulsating neck which generally makes me feel dreadful all the time. I don't suffer from panic attacks or feelings of impending doom. Dealing with the physical symptoms is a huge daily battle but I have continued to live a relatively normal life - I have even moved to a new country and started a new job here...it's just that physically I feel nervous every moment of the day.

Does anyone have any advice for challenging sub conscious thoughts - as a child I was brought up in a very anxious environment, so I think anxiety is something I learned from my parents. I've tried medication, cbt, etc but nothing has really helped so far.

Thanks for your help

18-02-04, 13:24
Hi Mark

I think we all suffer with the same problem.
Meditation and relaxation may be helpful in dealing with the subconscious.

I'm not sure why these subconscious thoughts happen, it is just something I have learned to accept

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

18-02-04, 14:57
Hi Mark

Liz is probably right, have you tried relaxation techniques before?

I think I suffer quite a lot these days of what your describing and relaxation can help a lot. I feel like my back and shoulders are tense constantly even if there not tensed, if that makes any sense. Like there is a constant pain there, even though it isn't like a pain(now I really do sound mad!) but it's like you can feel it all the time.

I find that relaxation helps though, you may find it hard to get into at first but after you've been into a relaxed state one day it can carry on very slightly until the next day and you find it easier as the days go on.

I would definately recommend relaxation though, try different types and see what you like best.


18-02-04, 17:31
Hi Mark,

I assume you've been checked out medically for high blood pressure etc. Its unusual to just have those 2 persistant symptoms and know its anxiety without any other leading signs such as fear,shaking, innappropriate thought patterns.

Think back and start tracking how you feel in terms of activities , food etc.
Do you feel better after vigorous exercise, do you get to sleep quickly, does caffiene affect you, are you allowing your current emotions through etc

As for the subconcious stuff. What about your childhood anxious environment do you think is still with you ...and why .., then try to address any memories and things that may haunt you . Hypnosis is good for this.

See whether learning relaxation as suggested above will help or whether burning it off with exercise is better for you.

If it just your heart rate that is bothering you so much, a short course of betablockers may help significantly.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-02-04, 09:28
Hi mark,

You mention, a constantly pounding heart and pulse. Indications of too much adrenaline in the system. If you do some gentle exercise does your body calm down? If so more clues that its too much adrenaline. the physical symptoms of this can be brought down effectively by the beta blocker Propranolol. I took this for years in prference over valium/prozac etc which i thought might alter my mind too much.

Obviously would have to be discussed with your GP.

Regarding subconcious problems harking back to childhood days. EFT on
www.emofree.com may enable you to eradicate some of that.

19-02-04, 15:22
hi mark,

youve had some very good advice,and ime sure it will help you...as meg suggested,i think you should visit a doctor,just to get your blood pressure checked,perhaps a mild beta blocker,will ease your symptoms.

regular massage,may also help,as stress accumalates around the neck,shoulders,and base of the head.

you asked about the sub-conscious,well,if your up to it,there is a very good medical research paper written,which is written in user friendly form..took me 40mins to read,but worth it.

scroll down the forum page to USEFUL LINKS,there you will find a post dated 17th february by <hears the water> regarding the mhsanctuary,go to the web page,and read the article..it will answer all your questions.

best wishes..bryan.

22-02-04, 11:45
Hi folks,

Thanks alot for your various suggestions. I have tried beta blockers and prozac which didn't seem to have much effect on the heart. I have had various tests with the doctor, including seeing a heart specialist and he said there was nothing wrong but I had an 'abnormal awareness' of my heartbeat which doesn't really help much! It does feel to me like excess adrenaline, but strangely the symptoms get worse when I exercise - sometimes even just walking upstairs makes it worse. That kind of suggests it might be something physical to me, as I know I definitely don't get anxious about walking upstairs!

Anyway, I guess I will keep trying different things to see if it gets any better.
Take care

23-02-04, 04:02
Hi Mark,

I had the same issues with exercise and I easily got worried about my heart rate. One type of exercise that I really love doing is yoga. It definately helps me calm down which is always good if you feel like you have excess adrenaline and it's pretty easy to learn.



23-02-04, 18:14
I can really understand the 'worse on exercise ' thing .

As you're so aware of it , when you exercise and really get it thumping then you will be even more alert to the changes.

If the thumping scares you ino thinking you have a cardiac condition and all the medical tests say you haven't , you could go to a gym , explain to an instructor to keep an extra eye on you and then have a good work out and learn how your heart feels when really working and then enjoy the wind down.

Once you know its fine under exercise then you may teach yourself that what you're nervous and feeling daily is not really an issue at all.
Like reseting your perception of normal.

If you're not scared of it at all- just aware - then mediatation may help you produce less adenaline overall.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

24-02-04, 15:40

I've been anxious as long as I can remember, and although I feel very calm now, I can feel my heart beating. Unless I am very careful, I can make myself get anxious, cos I wonder why my heart is beating so strongly, I must be worried about something .......

Now I try not to think about it, and when I do become aware of it, just think well I can feel it cos it's a strong muscle!

I'm better with exercise though.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

15-06-09, 18:22
I feel this way at the moment. Full of sub conscious passing thoughts many of which are not true.

It's horrible when the thoughts come you believe them. For ages it's been really big triggers now it's less important sub concious stuff.

Does anybody else get this?