View Full Version : Slow motion?

08-05-10, 12:33
Everything is in like slow motion at the moment, even my hands as im typing, like i have no strength... its awful. i have been ill the last 24 hours with migraine though, so maybe its this?but im looking at my son and partner and everything they are doing seems slow motion... my fingers on my left hand keep going numb too.... like pins and needles...is this normal? Im worried sick.... :-(

08-05-10, 13:36
I've had this :( in fact I had it last night and I was very anxious as I'd taken my new meds.
I've had it for years so I guess it's not fatal! The only link I can make is it happens when in tired/anxious/ill I tend to have a lie down if I can and it seems to go away.
Hope u feel better soon xx

08-05-10, 15:19
It happens to me too. I think it's just when my body is so exhausted and I'm so overwhelmed with anxiety or something. My heads always wacky and I get heaps of horrible symptoms like this. No fun at all!