View Full Version : Ectopics now again!!

08-05-10, 19:26
I have been very anxious about my breathing for a couple of weeks - really focusing on it and taking deep breaths etc. After seeing a great doctor on Thursday who told me that it is very unlikely to be asthma (although he has arranged for me to have a spiromatry) and that it is just my anxiety playing up again, I was feeling a little more positive.

Typically, by Thursday evening (only a few hours later!!), I was worrying about something else - my heart!! I have become very focussed on my heartbeat now. On Thursday evening, I had ectopics all night until I went to sleep. Since then, I have had them a few times on Friday evening and I have just noticed a few in the last half an hour. My father-in-law had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago and my Grandma is also due to have a procedure to fit a pace maker due to having an irregular heartbeat. This has set me off. Can we really influence how our hearts beat?

My blood pressure is fine (I have a home monitor) and my heart rate is pretty good - between 68 and 82 bpm. It's just these jumpy heart things!!

I don't want to start obsessing about somethng else now!! Any advice, please!!!

08-05-10, 21:00
Please help. These ectopics are awful!! Every 5 minutes or so sometimes more!! It was like this on Thursday evening too but ok yesterday! Really scared!!

08-05-10, 21:06
hi jo i get ectopics every day and sometimes a few a minute for the last couple of weeks, it never is normally that bad for me either but the one thing that helps me hang on to my sanity with it is its nothing new, i have had them before i am having them now i will get them later and ill have them tomorrow they dont go away at the moment but im still here.
my doctor has reassured me that ectopic beats do not kill you, the sad thing about anxiety is the minute u focus on something it just gets worse i try so hard not to focus on mine and sometimes i dont even notice them but other times its like im sitting there waiting for them to come.
Just try and keep focused on the thought that it wont kill you, its your heart hiccupping or getting excited for nothing. i like to think of it as little adrenalin shots just comin at the wrong time.
you will be fine xxxx we all are xxxx

09-05-10, 13:09
Ectopics were bad this morning and I was getting myself in a right state. Went to A&E. Had ECG, blood pressure and heart monitor - all fine and doctor said there was absolutely nothing wring with my heart!!

Still getting them though - just have to try and ignore them I guess!!

09-05-10, 22:50
i had them really badly last night it was gone 4am when I got to sleep. I didnt panic about them (which Im quite r=proud of) but they kept me awake and just just when I would go to drop off they would jolt me awake again. It was like squeeze bang squeeze bang all night long!

now i keep thinking well maybe it isnt just benign....grrr drive myserlf mad!!

10-05-10, 01:37
I used to notice them a lot and to be honest the more that I worried,the more I noticd! I find being overtired makes menotice them a lot more too.

I had a 24 hour heartmonitor and it was typical that I did not notice any-maybe I felt reassurred by having the monitor on? Oddly enough when I got my results back there were actually a fair few on the monitor but I had not noticed any.

Try and ignore them as much as you can,they feel horrible but really are absolutely nothing to worry about I promise!
