View Full Version : Popping/cracking behind eye!?!

08-05-10, 21:49
I keep getting these kind of clicking things behind my eye I'm so tempted to ask dr google but my sanity has convinced to come here first! Any ideas???

08-05-10, 22:41
I had forgotten this freaky symptom but I had something similar on and off for quite a few years about 10 years ago. With me everytime I moved my eyes I would hear a loud creaking sound - def weird. i would have it all the time for a week or so then it would go away for months then come back.
I have a friend who is a Dr and although mostly I don't talk medical to him poor fella I did tell him about this and he thought it was hilarious:blush: and completely stumped him as too what was causing it- he had never heard of eye movement making a noise.

I haven't had it for years but you just remimded me about it - all I can say is I never found out what it was other than a bit like a bad neck mine creaks when I turn it and you hear it in your head so maybe its same type of thing??

08-05-10, 22:45
Yes!! It was when I moved my eye or blinked! It seems to have gone for now, I'm sure it will be back eventually, I also get like pressure in my eyeballs at the same time, I get convinced my eyes are about to explode!! Lol I am a basket case!

09-05-10, 09:04
nah i think its just air, i get little popping noises sometimes when i scratch my eye, have done for years, i think its perfectly normal