View Full Version : aching piles ?? "blush"

gina p
08-05-10, 22:34
:blush: I have a rather achy bum . I do have piles and I've got the hospital on monday to have them looked at as they pop out during a bowel movement to say hello and then hide again . They are very purple tho and it honestly looks like I have a tumor up my bum !! Anyone had them and had them ache ?? They used to bleed but now they just play hide and seek with me !

08-05-10, 22:42
Yes I have them and had an Operation haemorrhoedectomy last century haha. think they were stapled!! The op. went OK. I was expecting to be sore but I was OK and didn't need the painkillers. Just plenty luke warm baths with salt in to help the healing. Good luck.

gina p
08-05-10, 22:44
and did it feel at times as if they were throbbing even if at other times they were ok ?

08-05-10, 22:53
Mine get sore sometimes like today because I had an IBS attack this afternoon. I usually put a steroid cream onto them before bedtime to take out some inflammation. I say mine are back but my Doc disagrees and says I have psoriasis??? (shes not a good doctor) I found the Germoloid spray worked best to soothe them. I would have another operation if need be because piles are a pain in the ***. LOL

gina p
08-05-10, 22:57
lol - they certainly are . I get ibs too and I take fybogel for it. Didn't think that would make them achy but it makes sense .

08-05-10, 23:16
I have external piles but they won't operate on them cos I have Crohn's disease.

They do hurt and ache and I find that the anusol cream helps - now who named it that lol

gina p
08-05-10, 23:24
lol "anusol" - never really paid attention to the name .

08-05-10, 23:45
Yes, Anusol is good despite the name but the Germoloid spray seemed to help mine.