View Full Version : Felling so, so low.

08-05-10, 22:59
I'm felling so low right now. I try to get distracted from this feeling of deep sadness, but I can't. I'm even thinking about start cutting myself again, maybe even going further than that. I'm so fed up with everything! It feels like I have no hope left, nothing to live for... I'm so, so, so low it even feels like I won't be able to be normal again. And I want to cry so badly but I don't want to worry my family... I've already gave them too much worries.

I'm so lost, I really don't now what to do. Could anyone give me some light? Please? H

08-05-10, 23:05
hi hun, there is always hope darling, never give up on that, sometimes family is not always the best people to confide in, esp if they dont understand, but u need to talk to someone, have u tried the chat rooms here? there r lots on here who will b able to relate to u and understand.

I dont know much about you but lots of talking is a good thing and helps us to feel just alittle better, cutting yourself wont help hun, please dont do that, do u have anyone close u can talk too? if not then stay on here and people will pick up your posts and advise you.

try the chat room too, big hugs xx

08-05-10, 23:32
Thank you for your reply Donna, it really helped. :) I would love to talk to someone about these fellings, but I'm so afraid that I'll become a burden for them that I just keep this to myself. :weep: My family already has gone through so much, I don't want them to worry about me again. ):

But thanks a lot for the support, now I really feel I'm not alone :hugs:

08-05-10, 23:58
Donna is right there is always hope .you will get through with help from you friends on here . so you are never really alone im sending you a big hug:hugs: shaka

09-05-10, 00:00
hi hun, well i think personally that writing is a great help, sometimes writing it all down and being totally honest with yourself can b great therapy, also talking helps alot.

have u had counselling at all? have u been through your doctor for help?

I dont know your circumstances, but exercise is a great help and saved me, i power walk every day now, i walk everywhere and if i am having a stressful day i walk through my anger upset etc and always helps me to feel better, a good half hour brisk walk every day make su feel great, although mayb tired too for a while, but if u keep it up, it will help, any form of exercise indoors or out will help.

tryin to keep busy every day and keeping a routine helps too, dont let yourself have too much thinking time, i dont know whether u work etc, but i did voluntary for a while, u can do hours u want when u want and u meet some wonderful people.

i know this will sound a bit full on mayb, but it all helped me hun, please though never ever give up, life is precious and can b very hard, but we have the strength within us to make things better and to feel better, i chatting to me helps, i never mind listening. hugs to u xx

09-05-10, 00:02
Hi Natalie,

You are not alone. Try the chatroom sometime, it might help to talk about your feelings. And carry on posting. Hmmm a burden, maybe you'll be a blessing. And im sure your family would want to try and help rather than have you suffer in silence.

And mostly, dont give up hope.

You take care .. andrew

09-05-10, 00:21
Oh, thank you so, so much for the replies! I'm actually felling a lot better now, I'm trying to focus on other things not on this stupid depression that goes and comes back like that.

Shaka, thank you so much for the virtual hug! I could really use some right now :hugs:

Donna, thank you again for replying! Yes, I already talked to my doctor about my depression, but when it disappeard for a while, she just... ignored it, I guess. And taking a walk sound great, specially when felling so low. The problem is to find the strengh to do so... xD But I'll try to follow your advices, I'm sure they'll be really helpful! Thanks again for your support, hon:hugs:

Andrew, thank you so much for your words. They really touched me and make me try to see things on the other side. And yes, I'll try the chatroom sometime, sounds really good :hugs:

And again, thanks for you guys support, I think that If I hadn't let that out of my chest and get support from you, I would have done something stupid. Thanks so, so much! :hugs:

09-05-10, 00:35
next time u feel desperate hun, make sure u talk or write it down, people dont always answer immediately, but they will and it will help, also go on the chat room too. big hugs and so pleased u feeling better hun. xxx