View Full Version : How to Overcome Your Fear of Going over Bridges

09-05-10, 07:40
This irrational fear of crossings bridges is something many people have to go through within their daily lives. It can prevent you from getting to work, school, or even having a good walk with family or friends. Phobic drivers may worry about being in an accident in busy traffic or losing control of their vehicles. High bridges over waterways and gorges can be especially intimidating, as can be very long or very narrow bridges. However this article will help you get over it- there IS a solution
# Understand that your fear is irrational, and accept that you are afraid
# What caused your fear?
# Why are you afraid of bridges, anyway?
# Tell someone- a doctor, GP, relative or friend
# Talk to people online who share your fear.
#Face it

Veronica H
09-05-10, 11:09
:yesyes:great advice. I would also add take a child with you whenever possible. Kids love bridges, and their joy rubs off.