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jaded jean
09-05-10, 09:25
hi all.
just to let you know I WENT SWIMMING today!!!!!! first time in 2 years. only did 4 lengts but god am I buzzing!! so happy as I did not think I would even get in the pool let alone swim. OH HAPPY DAYS:yesyes::yesyes:

09-05-10, 09:32
Fantastic, I love swimming and used to go twice a week but haven't been since last year. I'm determined to start again this week. Good for you, I can't wait to go again. Happy days indeed, well done:yahoo:

Jannie x x

09-05-10, 10:05
Fantastic well done Jean, What a great success, swimming is a big hurdle for me, because scared of having a panic in the pool, well done x

09-05-10, 10:42
A huge well done jean,

i went swimming again a few months ago after not going for two years, it is such an amazing feeling when you achieve something like this, onwards and upwards now eh!

well done:hugs:

di xx

Veronica H
09-05-10, 10:49
:bighug1::yesyes: so pleased for you jean. This is something I want to do again soon too.


jaded jean
09-05-10, 11:34
hi all. thank you so much for the replies.I never thought this would happen again.My sister was responsible for this turn of events. she rang me last night asking what time the pool opened and said rigt you are coming with me -oooer. but this is the treatment I need just likethe wristbands say J F D I and I did woo hooooooo!!!!
ps Dont give up on yourselves everyone . It will happen it will come in different guises but you will know when. <<<<hugs>>>> Jean

margaret jones
09-05-10, 12:24
Well done Jean you are a star


09-05-10, 15:26
Hey Jean,

You going from strength to strength girl!!! Well done you!!!


24-05-10, 00:30
Well done Jean. Swimming is a brilliant hobby.

Going home
24-05-10, 01:41
I went swimming today too...went with my daughter and it was also first time for me in a few years and was really nervous and thought I'd start panicking, but just took it nice and easy and it was great. So now I'm determined to keep it as much as I can...makes you feel so good afterwards :D

Anna xxx