View Full Version : Thank goodness for 'no more panic'

09-05-10, 11:59
I just want to say how glad I am for this website. I suffer from Health Anxiety and when it takes me over it really helps me to look on this website. At the moment I am going through a stage of being petrified of my glands up at the base of my skull and back of my neck. I was convinced it was a tumour or something similar. I then looked on this site and saw the amount of people with the same worries. I now am not so scared and think that my neck hurts cause I prod the glands about 100 times a day!! Probable up due to toothache as I need a crown, so hopefully I can now think a bit straighter thanks to everyone on here!

Should be ok for a few days now LOL.

Ps also waiting to see ENT due to ringing in ears, so that is why I am petrified neck pain is due to a tumour that is causing ringing and hearing loss! I hate health anxiety!!

09-05-10, 12:29
I have intermittent hearing loss and ringing in ears and balance problems, dizziness.... im worried sick. Ive got ENT appt in 3 weeks (1st June), a follow up. I had negative ear pressure in my right ear and 'below normal' hearing on my hearing test 2 months ago. And i know it hasnt got better, infact its got worse :( I really am utterly convinced i have MS. I have so many of the symptoms, but i know MS does mimic anxiety symptoms. I get numbness in my left hand and fingers, weakness in left arm, shakes/termors, shooting pains in left hand, and my limbs jerk alot. Aswell as the hearing loss and dizziness and ringing in ears!!!!! Ive had a CT scan due to the bad dizziness i get, but was all clear, but CT doesnt show infection (MS) so hoping they will send me for an MRI if my hearing test etc comes back abnormal. I wasworrying about the lumps in my head and neck too, CT confirmed to me that it was nothing though and just swollen muscle where i was constantly rubbing and pressing it LOL. You are right though, this website is my saviour, i think id of had another nervous breakdown without it! Good luck with ur appt and let me know how u get on xx

09-05-10, 12:50
I have dizziness too! Hopefully just down to anxiety! My appointment is on the 24th May, let me know how you get on too! Must stop touching my neck!! I hate worrying all the time it is such a waste of time!! I am sure you will be fine! xx