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View Full Version : I feel very frustrated citalopram+ seroquel ??????

09-05-10, 17:22
Hello i am male 38 years old married 1 children , whole my life i have suffered anxiety , panick attacks, fear and off course depression recently after taking many different kind of anti depressives and medication for anxiety like aprazolam =( xanax) this medication cause me addiction for 14 years ,,, well but now i am not taking it my concern is that my doctor prescribe me citalopram & seroquel for may severe anxiety problem and depression ; i have to say that after 3 months having citalopram (celexa) and 1 month having seroquel my anxiety has almost desapired like 95% is gone but my depression still going!!!! and i don't have any motivation i am very lack of motivation and i started to feel very frustrated i don't know what to do?? i went to my doctor and he increased me seroquel xr 75 ml night and also i am having 60 ml citalopram(celexa) for depression and anxiety but like i said my depression does not want to go away and i am very worried if this medications are not working for my depression????? any one want can tell about this medications for depression????? how long to kick in???

09-05-10, 17:34
I'm sorry that you have been unwell and the seroquel is now helping with your anxiety. I am not taking citalopram but I am on mirtazapine but anyway you should be feeling an improvement in your mood by now. If I were you I would see if you feel any improvement in the next couple of weeks if not go back to your doctor and ask for something else. You have come a long way by conquering your addiction. If you are not doing so already try doing some exercise and another activity to stop thinking about yourself all day. I know that you might not feel like it but it will help to improve your mood. It is important to keep a log of your feelings/emotions too for your doctor to see. Mood gym online or one of the other mood trackers are good. Take care. EJ.

09-05-10, 18:54
Hi Torombolo,

Sorry that you are still feeling this way. I agree with Elizabeth-Jane I think you need to go back to your GP and ask for something different to citalopram, you have been on the 60mg for some time now and you should be noticing some difference in your depression. Am glad the seroquel has helped with the anxiety, that is something positive for you...you just need help conquering the depression now, I dont think seroquel will really aid that very much as it is more for anxiety.

I hope you get sorted soon as I know you have posted on and off for a while, and I totally understand your frustration.

Take care and let us know how you get on.


10-05-10, 01:31
Yes thats true jt69 i have posted on and off because i want to up date my illness , and yes about my anxiety is almost gone with the seroquel but my depression still going so i went to the doctor and he said that i can change for mirtazapine(remeron)but i have to stop having seroquel so...... ??? i don't know, i am afraid because if i stop taking seroquel may be my anxiety can come back and i don't want that. the reason because i can not have both at the same time mirtazapine+seroquel, i don't know but celexa (citalopram) is not doing a good work for depression, doc said is good for that ,i am still 0% motivation so i am lost . i will up date

10-05-10, 10:09
hi torombolo,

i dont mean to be rude,, but why do u think u are depressed,, you seem very focused on the the fact u r, maybe a little bit of life changing could help,, fresh air,, keeping busy , ect. i know it so hard when u feel so mixed up and confused,, but maybe take a step back have a chat with someone who knows you well. i do hope u feel better soon, xx

10-05-10, 13:45
May be you are right bomberbeamish , perhaps i am just in need of express my self and trying to jump out of this depression , i really want to do things but my lack of motivation is working against me,,, but i am going to fight it back

10-05-10, 19:36
well it wont make you feel any worse im sure,, but i was in same boat once,, untill some said why do you think your depressesd still,, and i said cause every one telling me i am,, and nothen had changed in my life,, because i had to make the change.
We all look for someone to give us the answer or give us that special pill to make us better,, but we got it in us to do it ourself. will all need help in some ways and a little push from others. x