View Full Version : chest feeling

09-05-10, 17:29
Hi there i had a very strange feeling in my chest yesterday thats worried me all night and day today.I was talking to my friend in the kitchen and all of a sudden i got this strange feeling in the centre of my chest it was like a tightness not so much a pain a sort of cross between both if that makes sense ,it lasted about a second then went and thank god never came back but now im in that waiting mode of just waiting for it to come back.any one else had this.i keep thinking maybe i was overbreathing while talking to my friend just dont know so scared it is my heart ., kind regards molly

pussy cat
09-05-10, 21:55
hi molly,
i,ve had this & as i,ve always been h/a on heart attacks naturally you worry - however what i,ve found it to be is wind - you may not have noticed it at the time but either straight away or sometimes some minuits later you give a tiny burp - if it happens again wait & try & notice for a burp - i,ve had it happen 2/3 times on the trot & then i burp - try not to worry.