View Full Version : Often read but dont post

09-05-10, 20:52
Now I feel guilty that Im posting cos I need help. I have suffered with health anxiety for about four years now, it started after my marriage broke down. But for the last couple of years I have been plagued with depression. Its got to the point that Im crying every day for nothing, I feel so low although Im terrified of death, I want to die so all my sadness will just stop. I feel so lonely, even when Im with family and friends I feel so alone. I cant find any joy in anything, I dont want to do anything and yet Im going mad just passing the days away. All I look forward to now is bedtime, so I can just sleep and forget. I cant see that this will ever end, I dont think I will ever know what happiness is again.

09-05-10, 22:14

i could pretty much have written this post myself, i see so much of myself in what you have posted, i feel for you, i know how alone you can feel even when surrounded by people, and that feeling of never feeling happiness again is so awful, when all around you i see people getting on and coping with their lives.
I am more of a reader than a poster too, but there are just sometimes you have just got to share, air your thoughts and frustrations, you must not feel guilty for that, we are all here for each other, and to help each other on our journeys where we can.

Have you been to see your Gp recently, are you taking any medication, or therapies, or getting any other support?

Remember that we are here for you, ' talk' as much as you need to.

sending you a big hug your way :hugs:


P x

eternally optimistic
09-05-10, 22:51
Hi daisy

Glad you posted on here, it might very well help you get to the point where you want to be.

I know what you mean about wanting to hide away in bed and just forget about everything.

Have you been to see you Doc to see if they can give you any good advice?

Keep posting and I am sure you will get loads of useful and cheery advice.

Take care and keep smiling.

Granny Primark
09-05-10, 22:55
Hi daisy,
You arent alone. I feel exactly the same at times.
Please feel free to contact me by pm. Im sure we can help one another.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

09-05-10, 23:02
hi there, u r not alone here, lots of people will feel the same as you and some will have come through the other side and b able to help support you, if u havent tried the doctors then i would go and mayb ask for some counselling, sometimes anti-deps too help lots and talking helps a lot too.

Family dont often understand our problems so r not very good support, but u not alone here, keep posting, hugs xxx

10-05-10, 10:02
hi dizzy,dont feel guilty hun,we all dont need a helping hand when were feeling ok,but that dosent mean we dont care, or are selfish,the lows need a lift, so ask away,we cant possably reply to all post posted as much as probaly we,d all like to, but my heart gose out to all who are troubled on here including you,you will be happy again hun.when we feel low the negatives creep in and makes us feel prisoners and ever so lonely,im feeling lonely as well at the moment,but talking and shareing helps take some of it away,and hope is has for you, if its only a little.:bighug1:hugs here hun.xx

13-05-10, 22:23
:) Ah thank you all. I was on prozac last year but came off it after six months as I didnt feel right on it. I just felt numb, not happy, not sad just didnt give a hoot about anything. Since then I have just tried to manage, but its just that I feel so, so sad, almost hopeless. I keep feeling the urge to just get in my car and drive off, just go somewhere where no one knows me and start a new life. BUT I know this wont change anything and is silly but the thought just keeps entering my head, its as if it would be the answer to all my trouble, it wont. Oh boy all I want is my old self back, it seems as if when my husband left I lost everything including myself and I cant get back to me. This makes me sound stupid, but its how i feel. thank you for replying.

14-05-10, 19:21
Hi Dizzydaisy,

You don't sound stupid at all. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. It's a horrible place to be. Do you think you could go to the dr and ask for counselling? It's really helped me and it could help you too.

Take care and keep talking to us.