View Full Version : constant joint pain

09-05-10, 22:05
I am 21 years old and have had horrendus joint pain for years. My knees have always hurt since childhood - was told growing pains. Since about 15 my shoulders have been in constant pain which has only gotten worse over the years. My fingers are fine, sometimes my wrists hurt, my ankles hurt when its cold and my hip joint i think it is hurts when i sit down for too long. My joints click all the time and just generally always ache no matter what time of year. I am fed up of being turned away from the doctors and physiotherapists. I have been tested for artheritus which came back negative. I've been told bad posture to explain my shoulders which are the worst. I just feel like I must have some disease they aren't testing me for to be causing this. I feel like an old woman i'm scared.

09-05-10, 23:06
hi hun, i cant help too much but wanted to send u some hugs, sometimes anxiety can cause these types of aches and pains and theycan b very painful to us, esp if we r tense alot of the time.

I dont know how many times u seen your doc etc, but if its worrying u that much and messing your life up too, then go back and tell them and they have to help u hun, b firm. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-05-10, 01:58

I'm 19 and I've suffered from aches and pains all over, mostly in my joins for a couple of years now. I don't suffer from arthritis, have been tested. I do, however, suffer from panic attacks, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

I know anxiety can cause a lot of muscle and joint pains because you are always so tense and your muscles and joints are always sore and stiff from this. I find that the days when I sit around the most are the most painful days. The more I move the better I feel later on. It hurts at the time, but a couple of hours later I feel so much better than I would have if I hadn't done any exercise at all.

You should try seeing a different doctor, ask around for a recommendation for a good doctor. It's hard to find a decent one. I saw about four until the one I have now who did a lot of tests and suggested panic attacks, anxiety, chronic fatigue and fibromygalgia as an explanation. They're all harmless, just painful and they interfere a lot with life! You should really look into fibromyalgia, it sounds similar to all of my pains. There's no reason for them, they just come.

If you want to talk more give me a private message or email :) I hope you're feeling okay today! Plenty of hugs your way!

Going home
10-05-10, 02:19
Hi there, well I agree with amiee, and reading your post you say that 'sometimes' your wrists ache, and that your ankles can hurt only in the cold, also that your hips can ache if you've been sitting too long and I have to say that these things sound normal and can happen to us all with or without conditions like arthritis. Leg pain is very common in children as the bones are growing and maybe yours still are...though not sure what age it stops sorry! And shoulder pain can be down to bad posture i'm afraid, or if you've developed decent sized boobs, this could also contribute to shoulder and back pain.

I'm not trying to dismiss your fears, but sometimes we can focus on every ache and pain and think its abnormal when in fact its not. However, if you are in constant pain, day and night and have to take alot of strong painkillers, then I would say please go back to the doctor and insist on further tests. But having painful bones and joints only 'sometimes' i'd say is normal. Hope this helps a bit.

Anna xxx