View Full Version : MS - What Symptoms Do You Have??

10-05-10, 00:35
I am totally convinced I have MS. To the point where I can feel myself sinking into depression again :-( I have so many of the symptoms, i get them everyday on & off throughout the day, ive suffered with anxiety for a while now and have had loads of the physical symptoms of anxiety, but have NEVER felt anything like these symptoms,,,they are horrible :-( What symptoms do u have?? I also read its common in women age 20-40, well im 22 :-( I tremor almost constantly, i will admit though i seem to get bad tremors when im anxious... would appreciate any help

10-05-10, 00:40
plus pins and needles in my hands (mainly left hand), fingers (again, mainly left) and in my palms, and feet sometimes too... i jerk all the time, muscles in my back buttocks and thighs and feet jerk all the time at least 3 times a day, prickly heat feeling, burning in skin sometimes, foggy distorted vision, itchy all over my body, have itchy patch on spine for the last 3 months, weakness in left hand that feels like its closing up sometimes, numbness in mouth area and random parts of my body but mostly arms/hands/face. I get dizzy all the time too. I am currently taking 1 x 40mg Citalopram per day, and 2 x 2mg Diazepam per day. My anxiety has shot through the roof because of this worry about MS. Im even convinced im stuttering alot, butprobably same as i used to but now im just blaming this lol.

10-05-10, 01:00
I can understand your concerns and trust me I've been there and had all the symptoms you list - and more. MS would also cause other severe symptoms which you don't appear to have, so it's very likely that your problems are due to anxiety and psychosomatic in nature. Also bear in mind that meds can cause or worsen some of the symptoms you have.

If this continues to worry you then you could have some tests done (if you haven't already had them) but it doesn't sound like anything of a serious nature to me.

Going home
10-05-10, 01:01
Are you asking what symptoms of MS people have? or just what symptoms in general? Not sure how many, if any, members suffer with MS, though many may think they do, but would like to ask if you've ever asked your doctor's opinion about your many symptoms. Most of the ones you listed can relate to an anxiety state, but if you're worried I would ask your doctor for some tests...or have you had tests for neurological disease already? You say you're heading for depression again, does that mean your fear of MS has made you depressed before? The tremors you mention could also very well be muscle tension, again caused by anxiety.

The problem we anxies have is that we can pin-point and describe in great detail absolutely everything that's wrong with our bodies from top to toe. We know exactly how we feel every second of every day...and night if we can't sleep. Thing is, most people will have alot of these things going on but they just don't focus on them as we do..the dry skin patches, the painful spots, the sore feet, the painful periods etc, but we do and we let the small thing become big things until we're getting severe muscle cramps, feeling dizzy, feeling sick, palpitations etc.

You also mention that you take meds, so maybe you're also reacting to these in some way?

Going home
10-05-10, 01:02
Sorry, Melancholia and I must have posted at the same time and sort of doubled up on the advice..:)

Going home
10-05-10, 01:05
Crazyhayz, ive just seen that there are two members called Shazandra and Catalyst with threads about the same fear, perhaps you could have a chat to them about your feelings?

Anna xxx

10-05-10, 01:07
The more the merrier, Anna ;)

I hope this helps you Crazyhayz because I know how distressing these symptoms are.

10-05-10, 21:03
hey crazyhayz to stop yourself getting depressed keep very very busy in turn it should help reduce your symptoms too

all the best

11-05-10, 01:55
Hey Crazyhayz,

I'm going to list all of my insane symptoms for you, some the same as yours, some extra. I can guarantee you 100% that I do not have MS, and I don't think you do as well. If it's worrying you that much ask your doctor to do a test for it because it's just not helping you having such a massive fear. But I'm sure if the doctor hasn't already done the test they are certain that MS isn't the cause.

Numbness in mouth.
Numbness on right side of face.
Numbness and tingling in hands, feet and lower back.
Pressure in my head and face.
Muscle twitches and spasms, my jaw twitched heaps when I have a panic attack, freaks me out every time, but it is only muscle spasms.
Prickly hot feeling and prickly cold chills.
Constant fatigue.
Constant muscle stiffness and aches.
Sensitivity to light.
Breathing difficulties.
Perceived heart pains and feelings.
Heaps of itchiness.

And even more than that if I keep thinking about it too long. But I'm starting to feel icky just thinking about it, especially in my chest. Definitely a sure sign that it's anxiety related :) Feel free to give me a private message anytime.

23-04-19, 22:17
I am very late to this thread but you all don't know how BADLY I needed to see this. Thank you so much.