View Full Version : plz plz help

minnie h
10-05-10, 02:05
hi. I fel aslp earlier at bout 11pm but afta a few secs i woke up feelin like id stopd breathin or sumthin.i soon 4got bout it n fel aslp again but it did it again n i went into a panic attack.after that had calmed down i fel 2 slp n it did it again.im so so so scared.wot if i can neva slp again,il die without slp.omg im so worried.plz reply soon guys.haz anybody had this b4 and is it anxiety or is ther sumthin wrong wiv me? Hanna x x x

10-05-10, 03:06
It sounds like you are startling yourself awake and feeling breathless. Unless you have apnea I would be that you are just having a panic type attack when your body is sleeping. I know this mind sound crazy but it happens to me. I will fall asleep and then wake up in a panic and feeling like I can't breath. There have been time when I leave the light on and set a phone nearby in case I wake up and still can't breath then I can call for an ambulance. I know it is crazy but that is how my mind works when I am in a bad state. I have felt like I may never sleep or may never wake up but I am still sleeping and still waking up. Anyway, I am still here. Good luck and post as much as you need to. We are here to listen.

10-05-10, 23:49
I have experienced this too. Remember, it is very unlikely you'll die from lack of sleep. If you can't sleep, get up and do something to take your mind off things for a while... There's no rush... :)

11-05-10, 02:12
I used to wake up a lot of the time from panic attacks or jerking awake and feeling like I wasn't breathing. It's actually a very common thing, my psychiatrist and doctor tell me it even happens in people who don't suffer from anxiety. With anxiety they said a lot of the time it's just your body adjusting to something in your sleep and going into panic.
I promise you will definitely be able to sleep again, your body will just need to sleep at one point. You cannot die from lack of sleep. I study psychology and have looked into sleep deprivation a lot, and after 3 days of being awake for straight hours it is a huge struggle to actually stay awake. There are studies where people have been awake for 264 hours continually and not died or suffered any long-term health effects :)