View Full Version : Pain and weakness in forearms and calves

10-05-10, 03:09
I am freaking out lately as my forearms are really weak and my hands, calves and feet feet ache with I can only describe as nerve pain. I have IBS and it has been horrible lately too. I keep telling myself this is all anxiety but some reassurance would be great. I feel like I can't even pick up my kids anymore and that I am going to drop even the lightest object. This sucks.

10-05-10, 22:02
Has anyone else had something like this?

10-05-10, 22:58
I get this all the time. Its classic anxiety. Doctor told me its where my muscles are so tense. Imagine if u clenched ur muscles in ur stomach for hours, how much would thy hurt after all that time tensed up?? Alot!! Its the same thing, but stomach u just notice it more. Arms, neck etc etc are all areas that tense up without us even realising it.

I was ill few days ago, and my anxiety shot through the roof. When i was better a couple of days later, my forearm muscles, calf muscles, neck muscles, even ankles (!!) were KILLINGGGG me!! I was in agony!! Because i had such bad anxiety all day & night, tensed up the whole time!! But at the time u dont know ur tensed up coz u cant feel it.

And yes, the weakness is down to anxiety again, the muscles being tense cause the arms, legs (wherever) to feel heavy or weak. Plus the adrenalin from anxiety being released in ur bloodstream will make any part of ur body feel weak, for me its often my arms, hands, legs. But i get the heaviness feeling too, like my arms ans hands weigh a tonne. Its awful. But dont worry, what ur experiencing is anxiety which is causing muscle tension. Take care

11-05-10, 02:02
I almost constantly have this :) Quite sure it's just caused by muscle tension. The more you tense the weaker and sorer your muscles feel. My arms and leags and hands and feet always feel week and everything I pick up just feels heavier than I know it is because my muscles are just weak from always being tense. A lot of the time we tense without even realising it too!

12-05-10, 01:05
Thanks for helping me out.


14-05-10, 00:05
Hi there!
Just to add to this, I get this a lot as well - especially after a difficult period with anxiety. I've been doing really well but had a pretty rocky few days this week and yesterday when I finally felt less anxious I started to freak out again because my arms and legs felt so weak and weird. Then I remembered I've actually felt this way lots of times before, and I'm sure it's just from being so tense for days. I feel like it's "related" to that shaky feeling I often get on the inside when I've been really stressed (sounds like a weird description, but "sense of inner shakiness" is definitely what it feels like!).

14-05-10, 03:32
I know what you mean with the inner shakiness. I feel this sometimes when I lay down and try to relax before bed. It feels like my likes are trembling on the inside. I can't explain it either but I can relate.

14-05-10, 10:25
Hi. Im just wondering if anyone gets the weak feeling in only one side of their body? For me its always on the left hand side, which always makes me worried im having or had a stroke!!
Anyone else get this?

14-05-10, 10:38
Yes i get this but i have had m.e/cfs for 10yrs and always put it down to that,its always my left side that feels odd.
I have had a brain mri,ear mri,and other extensive tests and everything comes back ok.

14-05-10, 10:40
Ahh zippy Im so glad you said it was on your left side too! Hopefully you can draw comfort from the fact its always on my left side too :)

14-05-10, 21:20
hi, i get this. worries me too.

like ZIPPY, ive had m.e for over 10 years and i get the left hand side feeling of weakness too.

sarah x

12-06-10, 03:47
Just wanted to add that my left side is weak right now and that I was looking on NMP for some help and not only found it but in one of my old posts. God bless the people who came up with this forum. I was already contemplating how to get to the ER and what to do when I got there.