View Full Version : ThingS You maY need to Know theM

10-05-10, 07:11
Hi guys
Im mr. lonely today I would like to give you some advices for how to be Cool .. here there are some sample things need to know. If you are already cool , Whatever anyone else says is invalid. You observe what they say but you don't listen. You realize that you can't make everyone happy. Second, you don’t need to be argue with , When you're cool, arguing is always cancelled. You realize winning an argument is pointless. When you know you're right you just know it. You don't need to waste time effort and energy attempting to persuade someone who hasn't seen the things you have seen. Third, You stand tall. You have exemplary posture. You never slouch. Fourth, When you speak people listen. You speak with such confidence, that when you talk people listen. You never mumble. You look people in the eye. And when talking to people you don't look at their possible dandruff, or that mole on their chin or whatever you look them in their eyes. Fifth, The only brand you advertise is your own. You wear simple but stylish clothing free from corporate logo's or slogans sixth , Bend rules don't break them. If you're cool, you're a winner. You are not some deluded potato head who values your life above others. Seventh, You never lose your cool. When presented with a problem, no matter how small large or catastrophic you focus only on the solution. Eighth, You say more with less. When talking, overall, you use less words in your sentences. You get to the point. You leave rambling for drunk old men who spend their life's in pubs drinking ale. Ninth, You have passion about what you do. Whether you are a designer a musician an entrepreneur, a mother a call centre operator ... you realize being passionate about what it is you do is imperative You don't procrastinate. You realize that this it. This is your life. This is it. This is all you have. And you will use every moment you have as a celebration. When you have work to do you get to work. You don't attend bullshit meetings. You put yourself under pressure and use that pressure to ignite your hyper productive skills within you, to get the absolute maximum output. Finally, You never talk down to anyone ever. Everyone is equal. Everyone is a citizen of your world. You enjoy wearing black. But you're not a goth and never will be. You don't avoid fear - you head towards it at pace. You caress it. You face it. You make love to it. And you ruthlessly knock it over like a bulldozer knocking through brick walls. You are friends with all types of people. You have friends who have varying occupations. They have different religions. They are different ethnicities. And they believe in things different to you.