View Full Version : Lump on the Lower Lip of Mouth

10-05-10, 09:40
I am going out of my mind with worry, I recently found a lump on my lower lip, It just seemed to appear out of the blue, i dont remember biting it or anything,

It looks red with white in it, its painless aswell, it doesnt hurt at all,

is this mouth cancer or something like that? extremely worried

Any Advice would be great,

Many thanks


10-05-10, 09:49
Doesn't sound like cancer, sounds like the ones I get when I'm run down or stressed
I just eat well sleep well and tell myself if it's not gone in a week I'll see the doc but it's always gone!
Hope that helped x

10-05-10, 18:34
What things do you mean?
Its weird, there is no pain at all, just a lump

11-05-10, 15:11
I saw a tv program with a kid that had a spot like that on their lip. the doctor said it was a milk spot.

22-05-10, 01:21
That sounds like a mouth ulver to me. I get loads when Im run down... sometimes to the extent i get multiple ulcers and they join together. They usually last about a week. Make sure you brush your teeth in the morning and at night and dont leave toothpaste in your mouth after brushing. Rinse well. Sometimes the SLS in toothpaste can cause them, or perhaps changing your toothpaste.