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View Full Version : im scared to take my cipralex please help

10-05-10, 10:42
hello my doctor gave me cipralex 10mg to take 4 weeks ago they r still in my bag, i had a nervouse breakdown 7 years ago and was on same meds ive been off them for over a year now and have to go back on them as im suffering anxiety ,sickness vomiting panic attacks on a daily basis now,, the trouble with me is that i know when i was on them before in the end thru the side effects they made me better but im really stressing bout taking them again as i dont want to experience the side effects at first.. my brain is telling me i need them to get me better but my brain is telling me stuff that when i look at um...please help me to have the courage again to just take them.... i feel stupid why cant i just take it cos then il be waiting for the unplesant symptoms to come and i wish i could sleep for 2 weeks then wake up and its done.. what should i do????? any suggestions that i have im sure will help hopefully fingers crossed.
thank u lisa

10-05-10, 11:18
hi lisa,im probly no help but here gose,i was given citalopram last yr by my doc,iv been on them before in the past and was fine,iv since got rehmatiod athritis and am on a concoction of tabs for it,the last time, last yr i went back the docs having panic attacks real bad then,i got the most awfull scary side effect from it,its scared me to go back on them or try anyother that may help me,i cant say if it had reacted to my other tabs,or if it was just a reaction from the citalopram having had a break from them,i just dont know hun,iv seen posts here where some have had a reaction from theirs and its its just been 1 or 2 stated symptoms that can and do happen,are you on any other meds hun?,i dont want to say take it and you get a bad effect from it and yet it seems you do need it,maybe a chat with your doc will help you decide hun,ask all the queries you have with him or her see if that helps,but i do hope your feeling better soon hun,and hope if iv not helped, then iv been a little comfort.let us know how you go.:hugs:

10-05-10, 16:33
Hi there

I am on cipralex and have been for 2 yrs - before that i was on other meds but have had various breaks off meds over theyrs - each time i need to go back on them i always get so anxious in case of side effects etc but deep down i know that after a couple of days its worth it to feel better - i think try andbite the bullet pet as you will feel so much better soon and just keep busy and come on here for the first week

The Raven
15-05-10, 10:49
Hi there,

I totally understand your concerns alwaysanxious and before I (re) started my course a few days ago I spent ages saying to myself that I didn't need to and even stared at the tablet before finally taking it.

The truth is from what I have read everyone suffers different side effects (and some don't get any at all) but you have to weight that up against what you are going through now. IF these tablets can help you then surely the side effects can be seen as a means to an end? Doctors have also told me that compared to many drugs Cipralex have lesser side effects and work quicker too so it could be worse I guess.

I am just a couple of days into my course again (I am doing the meds diary in this thread) and I know things will get worse before they get better but I am also pretty convinced they WILL get better. That has to be worth hanging on to I think and I hope it may encourage you to see beyond the current situation too.

Good luck - and please let us know if we can help in other ways...


17-05-10, 23:11
hello to all that replied to me thankyou so much for ur advice i can relate to the raven about staring at the tablets as im still doing it on a daily basis i still havent took them and plucked up enough corage to take them yet but i will i promise its flippin stupid iknow i wishd i could just do it. but im on here every day and its helping thank u .

09-06-10, 11:07
Hi! I have just started taking Cipralex today, I have been on cymblata for years which I found worked really well for me but due to the fact I want to try for a baby my doc has changed me to something that won't affect the baby, it is a straight switch, I am scared about the side effects I might experience or the withdrawal from my cymbalta but I know that I need to take something to make me feel better, it is good that there are other people out there with the same problem and that forums like this exist to give support and for others to share experiences. I will keep you posted on how I get on.