View Full Version : Should I worry again?

10-05-10, 11:17

Some may remember my posts about something that was found on my brain stem when I had an MRI done in March 2009. Well last week I posted that when I had a repeat MRI done last week that when I phoned for the results from the doctor, they said all clear, normal.

Well today I saw my Dr and it wasn't as straight forward, the report read, normal scan, the abnormality found last a year ago is completely unchanged and is unlikely to be of any clinical significance.

My doctor says there is no need for any further action as there has been no change, and the headaches are migraines, which she wants to try me on low dose Amitriptyline for a month to see if that helps, and a nasal spray Sumatriptan if I need it. Should I start to worry again, or should I trust what the Dr says and as the abnormality is unchanged should I stop worrying,


10-05-10, 11:29
I wouldnt worry atall. A doctor could lose his job if he told u there neednt be any further action because it was unchanged, and then sudden happened. Trust what the doctor says completely. I can see what your saying though, its always going to be a worry of yours becausr there is infact an abnormality, but the fact is, a doctor has assured u its fine and not anything atall to worry about. Its very clear that the migraines have nothing to do with the abnormality. Doctors are quick to dismiss things like aches n paisn, or spots, rashes, that kinda stuff, but NOT when its something on the brain. Trust me.

Im trying to imgaine how I would deal with the situation over the next coming months. I would personally ask my doctor if i could be booked for a yearly follow up. That way you'll have peace of mind. Coz no doubt in a few months or years, ul be worrying about whether its 'changed' or 'got bigger' for example, so u'll be back to square one. So poersonally, I think it would be best to ask for a follow up with a neuro for 2011, and every year onwards. I think something like that should be kept an eye on anyway, simply because of the positioning of it. Take care and im so glad your ok. :)

10-05-10, 11:31
Peter, from what you have written about the results of the repeat MRI, I do think you should try to stop worrying, it does sound as if things are OK. Might indeed be worth trying what the doc has suggested. Have they ever given an explanation to what might be the reason for the "abnormality"? x