View Full Version : Heartburn

10-05-10, 12:19
I wrote on here recently about my IBS, and worrying about Ovarian Cancer, this horrible thought is now stuck in my head like a stuck record player. I have had heartburn now everyday for about 5 weeks and i have finally plucked up the courage to see my dr later on today. I really am having horrible anxiety attacks, and its not getting any better and now in the last few days i seem to be having bladder problems. But here is the thing, I am not sure if this is actally in my head, there is i think some discomfort there no real urgency or frequency just a feeling of discomfort but when i am busy or dont think about it and when i am asleep its not there.

Of course urine problems and heartburn are Ovarian cancer symptons so not sure if my head is playing tricks on me. the heartburn is definately there and i need to get some treatment for it.

but i just really feel desprate now for some reassurance

10-05-10, 13:06

I have had this problem and I too have a cancer phobia, but i can assure you that the anxiety will make the heartburn worse. It sounds like acid reflux or possible H Pylori which are both common and easy to treat.

Please try to relax, with acceptance that it is just heartburn and some diet changes or medication, it will ease of


10-05-10, 16:50
Jules, bladder problems are also symptons of IBS.

11-05-10, 08:04
thank you for your replies i know anxiety can make my symptoms worse, i saw the dr yesterday and sobbed on her feel a bit embarrassed today. She said you ovarian cancer is very rare, it presents with bloating first and foremost that doesnt go away. she had never heard of people presenting with heartburn. she has asked me to do a urine culture just to check i havent got an infection because of the discomfort i was having. but yesterday at work it wasnt so bad, probably because i was distracted, and last night after my little sobbing session i felt like a weight had been lifted and my wee didnt hurt at all, then i got into bed and started to feel a bit anxious and went to the toilet and there was discomfort again, so maybe its an anxiety thing.

she has given me tablets for acid reflux and she wants to see if my anxiety and heartburn settle, if it doesnt and i am still worried she will send me for the tests and scans to check nothing is going on, but more than anything to put my mind at rest.

i feel anxious again this morning hoping as the day wears on it will wear off.

many thanks again. sorry for waffling,

11-05-10, 11:09
i have bladder issues, heartburn, acid reflux, IBS etc and i've had ultrasounds & blood work before that show no detectable issues with cancer or the ovaries.

im realising that all of us have very similar symptoms like the skin condition post of mine that you replied to and it is 100% impossible for all of us on this website to have every one of the illnesses that we individually fear like cancer and tumour and heart trouble and MS... etc... and the only one common think is we all have either anxiety/stress, depression or both.

We might still be sick but unlikely with anything life threatening. having said that and realising that, i am still concern about my symptoms :)

11-05-10, 11:26
i had really bad heartburn before christmas, so bad it felt like i was being knife, and in my stomach felt like it was getting bigger, and could hardly eat. while i am a male
i was very worried it was stomach cancer.
i had all kinds blood test and the h pylori test. all came back said it was just acid reflux.
sooner i learn to accept it it went funny how the mind work's.

11-05-10, 11:56
thank you again for your replies.

Mon1982 you are so right and have made such a valid point, we cant all have cancer can we, with all the exact symptoms, and all tests are normal? I wish someone would tell my anxiety that. It seems to be determined to find an illness for me to worry about.

11-05-10, 12:03
having bad headaches now all of sudden. guess what is the first thing that comes to my mind? lol

this alone shows that my problem is a mental thing. i just keep thinking that surely the doctors or tests have missed out something. how do i shake that feeling off. there are two sides of me. the one that can rationalize and see my thinking is very bad and not logical and the other side of me that is convinced that it makes sense that symptom A must be caused by terminal illness B.

11-05-10, 12:09
That is exactly my train of thought, I am also sitting here with a pounding headache too but i wont worry about it because I am too consumed with thoughts on heartburn and going to the loo. But if I didnt have those to fixate on then i would worry about it. Its madness complete and utter madness and i know that too but until my anxiety subsides i cant think rationally.

11-05-10, 12:43
get something for your heartburn. like mylanta. when the heartburn is gone, you might take your mind of that symptom if it's not there anymore. when i don't have headaches, i don't think about tumours. do you empty your bladder many times? could you have a urinary tract infection? (very common & just needs antibiotics)

11-05-10, 13:50
The doctor has prescriped me with medication for GERD, and she said the same thing once its under control my anxiety will reduce and hopefully i will feel better. I was doing really well with my HA then i had a terrible IBS flare up, of course at the time i was conviced it was ovarian i didnt worry about bowel cancer because I have had a colonoscopy. when the diarrhea settled down i felt better and then i suddently realised i had terrible heartburn and I started to panick, just as i was getting to grips with the heartburn and that it was anxiety/ibs related I started focusing on the toilet problems, I dont go very often I just can feel a strange sensation when I pee but I am pretty sure that is all in my head, as it comes and goes depending on how anxious I am feeling. the more i think about it the more I got to the toilet, but i guess thats what happens when you focus on something it becomes blown out of proportion.

11-05-10, 14:17
i thought i had a urinary tract infection when i felt i couldnt get all my pee out. and i feel constipated and clogged up but i go to the toilet every day to empty bowels. i feel i cant get it all out either and tummy hurts. i dont know if its in my head or not. Urinary tract infection refults came back negative.

11-05-10, 14:51
thats how i feel when I go for a pee for abour half an hour afterwards it feels as if there is more to come but then the feeling fades when i start distracing myself or am busy. Your feeling of clogged up with regards to your bowels is classic IBS

16-05-10, 09:37
Hi hun, i'm just following up to see how you are doing now that it's been a few days. :hugs: