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View Full Version : Stiff achy neck, lump on nape of head where neck connects worried :(

10-05-10, 12:58
Hey all,
the past two days my neck has been very stiff and sore especially down the left side, and about 3 weeks ago I found a lump on my hairline left side of the nape of my neck sometimes I can't feel it but when I can it's the size of a baby pea, admittedly I never really felt this area of my head in detail, my neck is sore mostly down the left side and also my back is aching and I have lots of tension in my neck and the base of my head with a headachey feeling, also tonight have been experincing " eletric feeling" head zaps/rushes that go from the top of my head to my neck in what I can only describe as waves, feels alot different than my constant dizziness and little about to pass out feeling episodes, just feels odd, I had a ct scan almost three months ago would it of been picked up if it were something sinister?, I'm just so afraid it's cancer :(

anyone had any similar experiences? Anything would be appreciated.
Thank you for reading :)