View Full Version : Lump in nape of neck/ head, worried about cancer :(

10-05-10, 13:36
Hey all,
These past few days I've been experiencing a sore stiff neck mostly down the left side, also about three weeks ago I found what feels like a sort of flat lump that's the size of a small pee on the left hand side of where my neck connects to my head I'd say it's on my hairline on the left side of my nape, also my neck and shoulders feel quite tense as does the bottom om my head if that makes senseits quite sore, also am getting eletric feeling head zaps/ rushes that move from the top of my head to the back and my neck in like waves is the best way to explain it. I am constantly dizzy and get the feeling I'm about pass out type headrushes. I had a CT scan three months ago would this of picked up that the lump is sinister and is related to all my other symptoms? Admittedly I never really felt around this area of my head before in detail so don't really know how long it's been there and sometimes I can't feel it. I'm so worried it's cancer :(.*
Can anyone relate? Any reassurance would be welcomed.*
Thank you all.

10-05-10, 16:45
stiff achy neck, tension on the base of the neck & shoulders and headaches are very common with stress and anxiety. stiff knotted muscles on the shoulders or neck will cause pain at the back/bottom of the head which refers pain down to the shoulders and sometimes arms and back and the pain at the bottom of the back of the head causes tension headache. i've had neck problems for years. a CT scan would have cleared you of cancer. if it is cancer, symptoms will get worse and new symptoms should happen. most people with neck issues don't get a CT scan and are fine anyway. the CT scan should give you some assurance. all the symptoms, zaps dizziness etc are all common with stress and anxiety and your CT would rule out problems with the lump. they can tell if it looks cancerous or is suspicious looking, CT scans are quite thorough. if the lump grows larger or causes you pain then see a doctor.

10-05-10, 19:03
hi there i absolutely relate i went to the doc about this today so am waiting for an ultrasound. doc said he thinks ultrasound will be clear anyway which is good news.
im sure you will be fine.

ive realised the best way to treat health anxiety is to get whatever you are worried about checked out.

11-05-10, 08:07
thats exactly what i think is best but someone else replied to me in another thread to say that people with health anx should not go to the doctor and feed their health anxiety and make it worse. but that is not at all the case for me, personally when i go to the doctor it is better to clear things up and remain sane and worry about it til you lose your mind.

11-05-10, 14:31
Thank u for your advice :), I totally agree I will stew on something if I don't get it cleared up by the Dr, even if I didn't go to the Dr I still believe I would have very high anxiety, maybe even worse!

11-05-10, 14:39
I used to be at the doctors a few times a week with my health worries. Since then I try and give things a few days to see if it passes before I book an appointment. And it generally does pass on its own.
My advice is before you see your doctor have a nice warm shower and let the water massage your skin and muscles around your neck. Ask someone to give you a massage, they dont have to be a pro. Any stroking effect will help to loosen the muscles. Hopefully that will help :)

10-10-13, 19:02
Please let me know if that lump was serious! I have these exact symptoms and I'm panicing like I have never panicked before.
No doctors appointment for the next 2 weeks either and the Emergency room is not an option!
Please help!!

10-10-13, 19:36
Mmmm you should be able to get an urgent appointment with your GP if you need to be seen. There is no need to go to A&E.

*Fallen Angel*
11-10-13, 10:17
I have a lump pretty much in the same place and it's foxed drs and neurologists! It was found incidentally when I had a brain MRI last summer. I've since had 2 more MRIs with contrast on the lump and although they still don't know exactly what it is, they are 99.9% certain it's benign. I worried terribly thinking it was cancer but all the nueros I've seen have said not. They don't want to see me again for another 2 years thankfully.

Not sure if yours is the same or in the exact same location but wanted to offer some reassurance.