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10-05-10, 13:45
Ok so im going to use this as a kinda journal/update thing on how things are going within the crazy space of my head.

Ive been having CBT for about 3-4 weeks now, and have discovered that pretty much every action and way of thinking that has controlled my life since I was 16, has been down to having Generalized Anxiety.

Right now im finding it really hard to get on board with it, because ive found its brought up a lot of actually having to think about what im thinking, and I don’t like what im thinking about half the time anyway so having to thinking about thinking really isn’t my idea of fun at all.

After looking through and working with the workbooks and tasks ive been handed, ive been looking back to how my life has been, and most of it has always focused on not being able to cope, and hating myself and constantly thinking others hate me.. I wonder about what people think about me, why theyre even bothering with me, and mostly that people don’t really want to be around me.. My coping methods these days are to usually suck up to people, to constantly reassure myself by checking with them that things are ok, and that I am still liked , and this crushes my confidence daily because I just don’t feel good enough for anyone, let alone attempting to even like my own company.

When I was 15 I developed and eating disorder, and the only way I could cope with negative feelings about myself or dealing with bad situations, or even if I had a bad day, was to throw up what I ate. I just felt it was the only solution to mentally clear myself of any bad feelings, or crazy rapid thinking …
When I was 16 I went to college, and struggled the whole way through, because I felt that if I didn’t get good grades, I would disappoint my parents, and feel like a failure, so instead of trying to achieve more, I began giving up. I was self harming, and spent most of my time at home throwing up because it was the only feeling of calm and release I could give myself.

At 19 I started a university degree. I moved out into a student home with my boyfriend of 3 years and 2 guys and a girl. Again my studies suffered because rather than tryin to commit myself to the course, I went into myself and thought, whats the point in carrying on if im going to fail anyway… the art I was doing wasn’t relavant to the course, and I was threatened to be thrown off unless I picked up.
At this point all I was doing was throwing up, binge eating and drinking like a fish every night and at weekends.
I got onto the next year, and moved into another student house again with the boyfriend and 2 other guys. Things got too much in the end.. I was crying all the time to my mum down the phone, I wanted to move home, I wanted to drop out of uni, and disappear to Ireland. I nearly did, but when it came to the crunch of having to finish with my boyfriend, I was too afraid of hurting him, so I didn’t go. I gave up my course, and spent the next 6 months working in a small shop , drinking bottle and a half of wine a night, binge eating, and watching my life turn into nothing.
I used to fantasise about suicide, but I would never EVER have contemplated putting it into action, there were too many people that would get hurt..

I moved home after a year, and the following year I broke up with my ex. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but because of that , things began to change

I lost a lot of weight, and spent every night partying and losing myself in yet more alcohol and drugs. .. but I met my current boyfriend, and he helped me to begin to turn my life around…. Everyone seemed really happy for me, even my ex.. except one person who still to this day over a year later, is still the bane of my ****ing life.

We used to be best friends, and to cut a very long story short, she doesn’t like who I am anymore, what I do, how I live my life, and even more so she doesn’t like my boyfriend.

There was an intervention at one point early in my new relationship, and I had to visit her and her fiancé, and I got a grilling about what a shit friend I was, how I made her feel like shit, etc etc… I came away from there, m confidence in shattered pieces, and my heart feeling like someone had ripped it out of me…

How could being a new person, and being a happier and more confident person, be such an awful thing…
From then on, my head started going crazy.. I was thinking at 100mph every day, about what were people thinking of me, was she right? Was I really such a bad person for living how I wanted to live? I thought I was nice to people… I AM nice to people.. why am I being made to feel so guilty for being in love and happy for the first time in my life… ???
A few months later we had a massive argument, she would refuse to talk to me on the phone, and refused to see my in person, so she could say what she wanted over the internet, and she could still hide. She said some really horrible things, and I kept the message history as proof that I said nothing hateful towards her at all.. I just had to try and keep justifying myself… justifying my life, and she still came out with ‘ it pretty much is always your fault, good luck with Luke , pretty soon he’ll be all you have left’’

After then I felt that no matter what I did, or what I said, wasn’t ever good enough for anyone.

My anxiety has gotten worse and worse, and all I think about when I wake up is what are people thinking about me, do they really like me, are they talking about me beind my back, did they actually want to see me, or are they feeling obliged to have to see me…

Its ruined my confidence.. and because of all this, its made me hate who I am as a person.

I do things that would be classed as ‘unhelpful behaviour’ in dealing with how I feel.

I feel ugly, and fat, and hate everything about myself as a person. I feel selfish, and boring, and I hate my clothes and the way I dress. I look at photos of my boyfriends ex, and feel compared to her, im nothing. Shes all big and pink and smiley and I would love to be able to dress (and afford) the things she wears, and it makes me feel so angry when I see her pictures, but I don’t know why im doing it. I hate who I am, and feel that I deserve to be lonely…

I do feel lonely.

The stupid thing is , I have the most amazing close friends, the ones who have stuck by me through my breakup, through my new relationship, and through all this crap with my so called ‘friend’, and I know they honestly like me, and are happy for the changes in my life that have made me who I am..

I am a happier person in general, my ED is nearly non existent now, my life has transformed since meeting Luke, and im learning that I can be who I really want to be. . still though, sometimes I just want to hide away, and sometimes I still think that’s what everyone else still wants.

My head races so much with paranoia, and feelings of worthlessness, second guessing people, and believing that I really am not worth peoples time…

Im still not sure sure where this CBT is going to take me, and im still very unsure right now. I feel its going down the wrong route, but I suppose he knows what hes doing..

Ive spent pretty much a week indoors, and away from seeing people, I ended up getting a cold sore through getting run down, so now only have I felt like crap, ive looked like crap and ive been postponing seeing friends, because I just cant cope with constant fear and thoughts of ‘what are they thinking about me, will they go back and tell her that im feeling like shit, I bet shed love that, why do they wanna see me, they must feel they have to ‘ etc…

God. This is a ****ing long ramble I know.. I suppose I just needed to get it out. At least this main bit is out of the way now.

So. Im going to leave it at this… hoping that maybe things will turn around…and soon.

Thankies for reading my lovlies, means a lot.:blush:

See you again soon.

Mucho love


10-05-10, 14:20
Hello my lovely,

Wow doesn't it feel great to get it all out?!!! I bet you feel just a bit better don't you? You have been through an awful lot and I think you are going through the ramifications of it all. I went through a bit growing up and in the one and only relationship I was in and it didn't all hit me until near the end of the relationship. And then wham! I think you have been through so much and just needed people around you.
I think this "friend" is being this way because she is jealous. Its sad but when we are down and stuff and going through alot some friends like it because they like to think they are helping out or something and then when we are getting better and are happy they feel they are no longer needed or are jealous that actually recovery is possible. You are feeling better and then someone comes along to try and take it away or diminish it! You are doing so well and deserve to feel better after everything. Sadly along the way we lose people, but sometimes its whats best.

I think you are so strong - you have out of the other side of an eating disorder and you are trying to get your life into shape. Don't feel abd about what you have been through because it can take a bad couple of years to get to the best years!

Take care and stay strong xxx

06-06-10, 23:36
Hallam11- Thanks for replying and for what you wrote :) means a lot. xx


I am due to have my next CBT session on Tuesday.. the last time i saw him, he wanted me to focus on why i always felt i was talking crap to people, or at least listen to myself, and watch the other persons response, and obviously if they are becoming engaged in what im talking about , i cant be talking crap.. so.. its just in my head..

so, thats all very well and good.. but its not what i want my entire cbt to be focused on. its actually gone in a direction that i dont feel is working for me, and im too afraid to say anything to make him go back a lil bit and take a differernt route..

I was sat in the bath the other day, and i just started crying. i told Luke that i just felt really low, and because i had put on a bit of weight, i felt like a failure, and that he wouldnt find me attractive, and it had completely thrown off any sense of positive thinking i could muster, and i felt like i was ......... i just felt like nothing.
Luke said to me i should really talk to my CBT guy about it, because its not just about my weight, or the way i look.. but its about how my weight determines exactly how i am going to feel about myself, how i believe people look at me , and percieve me, and what they think of me.. it affects what i do during the day, how much i think, .. it makes my anxiety levels go throught the roof, and all because of a few pounds in weight..

my moods have been crazy the last 2 weeks.. im up and down all the time.. and i hate feeling like this. money has been a big factor.. but thats a whole other story.

ive been visiting my parents house every other day this week, and just now i felt my mood slipping as i realised i was expected to be back again (im writing this at my mums) in just over a day, which wouldve made me have spent more time here than in my own flat in about 2 weeks.. not that i dont like being here.. its just gettin a bit much.. i had to come over for mums bday, then the dentist, then my step dads bbq today, now im due to come back the day after tomorrow for his actual birthday, and im just gettin tired .. but i know im going to feel immensly guilty if i dont turn up and im just sat at home..i dont know what to do.. im tired. im broke. im fat, and im just feeling really lost because . i just dont know right now, what the hell is going to happen about the immediate future of my finances, and i cant talk to my step dad about money because then i get the job grilling and feel even worse afterwards...:lac::weep:

i wanna be able to move flats so i can have room to paint, and get a washer to wash my clothes on a regular basis (laundromatte or borrowing friends machines at the moment).. but i cant talk to him about the things i want to be able to afford because then i get the job speech and then i wish i had never opened my mouth.

yes im going to be material and say that yea, money does matter to me, i have been brought up around money, and being able to afford the things i like, and now that im struggling, im still finding it very hard to adjust, and i know that staying positive that things will get better will help me find better ground to get the business going, and get me painting more to sell more.. but im just finding it very hard to stay positive right now, i feel im letting my parents down, and people are tutting at me behind my back because im not in the 9-5 job.. i want money - but if i want it now now now, i have to get a job , and part of me is considering that to help us boost the income for a lil while.. but i dont wanna feel like people think im giving up on the business, because im not , i just need more income to feel a lil more in control of the situation, and feel we can progress and buy in the bits we need to help us move on with it.. im so stuck.. i dont know what to do... and im almost afraid to get low again because i dont want Luke to have to feel like ... he has to try and cheer me up again.. and i dont want others to say 'we were right all along, we knew it wouldnt work'... i dont know... i feel so lost.

i dont know where this is coming from... maybe i just needed to get it out...

man, now i feel even lower.:weep:

sorry if u now feel crap too.


08-06-10, 16:27
Had my first CBT in about 3 weeks today - it went soooooo well. :)

i finally had the courage (after a few drops of rescue remedy) to talk about my weight issues, and how the scales affect pretty much my everyday living..

we worked out how the 2 cycles, one of me being positive about my apperance and confidence , and one of when i am negative. It was amazing to see my own vicious circle so easily explained to me, with just a few lines and a talk of how my own circle works..

i came away feeling really happy knowing that i can now see in my head, how negative behaviour causes negative consequences, and because of that i feel bad, and so comes the behaviour... but when im feeling good, my actions are more positive, i feel great for feeling positive, so i act positive even more, and thats my happy circle. he showed me on paper, and did a diagram and everything, so i now have this mental picture, of my own two circles, and i can see the one i want to be living :)

so im going to keep this short and sweet today - but feel everything went really well, and im so chuffed i had the confidence to say where i wanted my sessions to go! :)

yay !


16-06-10, 16:08
So over the past week or two now, things have been up and down up and down up and down.. ive been crying, then been happy, then crying hysterically and being irrational, to be happy and bouncy again...
Its mainly been because of the dreams ive been having, and thinking too much about someone i fell out with.
Ive been having dreams about suicide, talking to people i don't want to see or talk to, my partner leaving me... so many dreams where ive woken up and let it affect the rest of my day.
Its like i have trouble understanding, that my dreams are not real, and im letting it be a part of my life, as if the themes and actions in the dreams have really happened ..

As ive mentioned before, i used to fantasize about suicide.. i would never ever act upon it, i love too many people to hurt them like that.
But whenever i dream about it, its like i wake up, and feel sad that i didnt have that escape.. These fantasies are often, and i have to shake myself when i find im thinking too much about it.. i guess its just a way of emotional release in my head.. i can act out things i want to, and there are never any consequences..

A few nights ago, i had a freak out about the mate i fell out with, i couldn't stop thinking about her, and the more i thought about her, the angrier i felt, so the more i imagined arguing with her, and the angrier i got ... its like im having these thoughts about her thrown at me from every angel that my brain can muster, and i cant escape from it...

the day after i freaked out about it all.. i was at home alone.. and all day i just felt in this entire daze, or wishing i could just escape my own head.. just walk away from all the talking, from the racing, .. i found myself wishing i could feel normal.. and not care about her, myself, or anyone else.. i wouldve given anything that day to have had alcohol at my reach, drugs to take, i even had thoughts of cutting myself.. but i just couldnt bring myself to do so because of my partner.. i couldnt hurt him like that.. i just wanted the talking and the racing, and the shouting and anger ut of my head.. but i couldnt.. all i could do was lie down, and listen to it.. and feel trapped.

In this dream.. i had injected myself with something.. i fell around the room, my vision going blurry, and i fell to the floor , just as my eyes closed i saw a friend of mine, with her own bottle of the stuff i had taken...and knew she was about to take it too.
Then, it was 10 years later.. i was already in my next life, and still at the age i am now, and i still looked like me, even though i knew, i wasnt the me i was before. people from my old life, didnt know me, and didnt recognise me. i remember thinking ', god, my parents had to find me.. they must be so upset'.. and i remember , i couldnt feel sad, because, i had died, and i had not need to feel fear or sadness anymore..i saw my dad, and tried to convince him i was his daughter, but he didn't know me, he just accepted i was this girl teeing him i was his daughter in another life...

Sometimes i want to free myself from everything.. i want to be able to leave my own brain, and crush it, so no-one else can ever have to deal with what was inside it...


I told my CBT guy about my recent suicide and self harm fantasies and thoughts, and we talked a long time about it, and my drinking too...
He mentioned about anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety pills which we then talked about for a little while.. we talked about Citalopram, and people i knew who were on it.. and what he thought, and what i thought.. and hes now left it with me to decide on what route to take..im giving myself 2 weeks to think about taking pills.. and ive got a lot of information on the internet to look through, and read up on, before i make my decision.

Part of me longs to be happy, and smile and be .. happy.. and relax.. and not having thoughts at 100mph taking over my everyday life..
Part of me wants to hurt, and cry, and mutilate, and free myself forever.

Every day in little ways i try to help myself. and things in different areas do get better.. others are still waiting for that lift, that leg up to join the ranks of the happy thoughts...

man, this is a weird post..

suppose im just needing to vent..


best i get on, and try and make the rest of the day a good one.. bath, hair dye, then off to see my dads house for some dinner, along with a bike ride.. so , its a nice rest-of-the-day ahead i hope.

speak soon

wigi. x

21-07-10, 15:34
I cant stop thinking about people dying. like my friends, my family. even me. i seem to constantly dissapear into these fantasies of how i would react if i heard someone i loved had died.. when im out and about in town, when i cross roads, i keep day dreaming about being hit by cars or being clipped off my bike, crashes, ending up in hospital.. i keep thinking about life in general, and generally, whats the point. live slave die. i dont know how i can live a free life in a world that tells you, you need lots of money and lots of things to be happy. i was riding my bike today, and was fantasisng about being hit by cars n that.. and i caught myself day dreaming about it, and thought ''what am i doing!! why am i thinking like this!!!''.. i quickly realised its because.. by thinking about how i would react if a loved one died , or if i was in hospital or i got hurt somehow.. i would have a reason, to feel like i do.. i didnt even realise how i was feeling.. but its been going on for ages.. and maybe im looking for ways that would able me to feel.. like i do, without not having a reason... well, i would have a reason, someone wouldve died/gotten hurt/hospitalized etc... but because none of that has happened.. i feel a guilt.. for feeling like this.. i keep having really happy days.. but i just i dont know. part of me still feels, not like something is missing.. but theres something i cant take away.. i cant get rid of .. my life.me.. the industry around me.. the unwritten rules, teh bitchiness of people.. the expectancy of people who think i should be living a better life.. people who think theyre better than me.. i cant get rid of it.. i cant escape. .. my sex drive is non-existant again.. im tryin but i just.. i dont care. im not confident, and i dont feel sexy..tho im trying, the urge just isnt there.and i hate it. i hate it so damn much. and i can barely muster any naughty thoughts to interest myself for a bit, if that makes sense, without too much imagery lol ...

ive been thinking again about going on anti Dps.. i think i should try. simply to know wether there was always another option that could potentially make me feel ok again..

i dont know . yet another rant. another page. another day. sigh.
