View Full Version : Hi

10-05-10, 13:45
Hi I'm new here, just wanted to say hello

brief history, had anxiety attacks very infrequently, maybe once or twice a year at social events (weddings to be precise) up until last autumn where I had a massive one and found myself in a hole for about 4 months solid.

Was prescribed Citalopram in January, and have been a lot better since then, but have found myself slipping in the past couple of weeks.

Anyway, lets not bore you all straight away. I hope I can be of help to anyone


10-05-10, 13:47
Hi gav

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-05-10, 13:53
Hi Gav,

Welcome to No More panic! You will find so many people on here who can relate to you, so many new friends to make!

Take care xx

Veronica H
10-05-10, 14:43
:welcome:to NMP Gav. Glad that you have found us. This is a friendly site with good information and support.


10-05-10, 15:30
Hi Gav, welcome to NMP, I'm sure you will find this site useful and hopefully find some answers :winks:


10-05-10, 17:31
thanks for the welcome guys, I'm always amazed at how many people out there are in the same boat. Here's to helping each other through.

margaret jones
10-05-10, 17:35
Gav hi hope you find lots of help and good advice on this site i certainly have

PS stay away from weddings :D only kidding take care Maggie xxxx

10-05-10, 18:41
Hi Gav, welcome to NMP, hope you find this site as helpful as what I have x