View Full Version : bruises..

10-05-10, 14:13
how long should they last? iv had a smallish dark purple/black one for like nearly a week i think:( worried its a sign of something.. its not really changing..

10-05-10, 15:05
Some bruises can take ages to go Alexy, but if it doesn't start to fade in a few more days then I'd go see your GP just to get it checked.

Sure it's nothing serious so don't worry.

10-05-10, 22:13
thanks for your reply, yeah, its just not changing at all =/

10-05-10, 22:26
The darker the bruise the longer itll take to fade. If its black and purple then it will take a fair while to fade to brown, then yellow and gone.

11-05-10, 02:04
I always have bruises and they take ages to go away. I think it just depends on how quickly your body heals and how deep the bruise is. I have like 3 on my legs that have been there for a week now. No idea where they come from. I'm just super clumsy I think :)

11-05-10, 02:07
I had blood taken during my first panic attack and the resulting black bruise took nearly 3 weeks to disappear... Don't worry :)

17-05-10, 02:50

I bruise like a peach and Ive had a bruise that has taken a good 2-3 weeks to disappear. Dont worry, sometimes some just take a while to go away.


17-05-10, 06:11
I was stressing about a bruise the other day. Silly that I am worrying about things such as a bruise these days :(
Anyhow I found my when I went to the toilet it was strange in the top part of my thigh and was like a 50cent piece, so purple etc I was really worried cause I couldn't remember hitting myself and when I pushed on it it actually didn't hurt. Anyhow kept checking on it as you do with HA and after a week and half it has now started to fade ...

It was JUST a bruise ... our minds go crazy sometimes hey.

So my advice on the long winded story is, give it a week or two and if nothing settles go see your doc :)

17-05-10, 10:41
My toddler bruises really easily and always seems to be covered in them. because my father died of luakemia i have been very anxious for us both and i took him to my gp who said they was nothing to worry about and it depends on the cause of the bruise and how bad it was, a slight knock will always heel quicker then a bad bruise and they say they can take up to 3-4 weeks to go - he told me if they seem to not go with in 3weeks then to go back, they always go and then a new one comes somwehere else.. if you really worried see your gp for your piece of mind x