View Full Version : need advice?

10-05-10, 15:04
I need some input before i lose my mind.
We had a family death 10 days ago and i was there etc.A few days before she died i was getting pains in my side and left boob and mild diarrhea and i couldnt stop crying.I went to the doctors and she did a breast exam and she thought she could feel a pea size lump which moved but she didnt think it was anything to worry about but would send me to get checked over because i was anxious and because my aunt had just died.My anxiety rocketed and i was acting like i had been told i had breast cancer.
I now have pains in my back,side,shoulder,shoulder blades.left side of abdomen etc.I have constant tension in my body and waves of panic running through my body and butterflies.My bowels are very loose/watery and make strange noises and i have to go straight away.I was awake all night because my stomach felt full and uncomfortable.
I am now thinking i have some other terminal illness thats causing all these things and i am making myself worse.I know worry and anxiety can cause these things but i cant stop thinking i am dying of stomach cancer with having pains in my back and loose stools and nausea.
I keep thinking of my aunts symptoms and thinking i am the same.
Does this sound like anxiety or have i to many symptoms?

10-05-10, 15:15
It sounds like classic anxiety! I get exactly the same when I'm particulary on edge, drives me mad! Try deep breathing and see your gp for advice, maybe meds and counselling?
Good luck with your tests x

10-05-10, 15:25
Very sorry to hear about your aunt. It sounds like Anxiety or IBS.

I myself thought I had bowel cancer earlier. I was having horrendeous stomach pains, noises, bloating and very loose runs, sometimes yellow, white or bloody. My test was all clear thankfully. My partners daughter who is an A&E sister at a large well known London hospital said to me, as long as your are going it is very unlikely to be cancer. This usually causes constipation or diahorrea and constipation.

10-05-10, 16:14
I cant accept this is anxiety and its not something serious.
When the doctor mentioned the lump i immediately thought its cancer and now i have severe diarrhea,nausea and back pain i think i have stomach or bowel cancer.
Its never ending the constant worry.
I picture myself being told i have cancer.I had my bloods done in feb/march but i think what if this has developed since then.

gina p
10-05-10, 16:29
zippy - I totally relate to how u are feeling . ur anxiety issues right now almost mirror mines . I am having the same bodily symptoms so I am sure its anxiety doing this to us . so sorry for ur loss . x

10-05-10, 16:35
So sorry for your loss.
I can totally understand your anxiety I have two pea size lumps in my breast I go to the breast clinic this Friday, my anxiety has been sky high since my doc found the lump cause I thought it was my health anxiety going into overdrive. I've got ache pains and tingling in all parts of my body, but I am very tense and on edge, anxiety gives us all kinds of horrible scary symptoms.
Good luck

10-05-10, 16:45
I go on wednesday. Can you feel your lumps? Did your doctor say anything about them?
I cant feel mine.I went because i was anxious and i was getting aches and pains in my breast.Anxiety has hit the roof even though she said dont worry haha that was a joke telling me not to worry.