View Full Version : Panic! ESR & CRP Levels

10-05-10, 15:19
Had a blood test last week and received a letter this afternoon from my Dr with a blood test form requesting all the tests again in 2 weeks. I had a FBC, ESR & CRP, though she has not put ESR down again.

I have just spoken to Dr and she informs me the tests indicate activity in my body, as the inflammation levels / markers were slightly raised. I am now in panic. She mentioned that this could be down to an infection or if it rises Arthritis.

My dentist informed me last week that I have gum inflamation which i am having traetment for on Thursday. When I made the booking, the receptionist told me that the dentist had written peridontal diease at the back of the mouth and ginigvitis at the front, which she never mentioned to me. She did however say that I had a lot of bacteria in my mouth. When I asked for antibiotics she said that they were not needed however she mentioned that i should not leave it too long to have the deep clean and that I will need 2 to 3 sessions. Could this be the reason why these levels are raised? Help.

gina p
10-05-10, 16:27
I would think gum issues like yours would raise the levels as the gums are right on bone . I had this test done in dec for suspect rheumatoid athiritis - doc advised me raised numbers usually are infection .

10-05-10, 16:32
Thanks Gina. Strange thing is my teeth look perfect. I only went because my mrs saw the blood in the sink when I was brushing my teeth.