View Full Version : colonoscopy fears

gina p
10-05-10, 15:58
I was at the hospital today to get my piles checked . The consultant said that they are not too bad and should clear with diet but he would like me to have a colonoscopy done as I have anemia . He said that he would be very surprised if anything showed but none the less I've to get one on 4th june . I'm terrified - does it hurt - I'm also scared that they will find something. I'm a 35 year old woman - no real issues with my bowel movements that is causing me concern but I do have low back pain around my rectum and coycxx . I'm worried that I do have cancer that is now in my bones . I have had a twisted pelvis after the birth of my son 8 months ago which has been manipulated back into position - possibly this is causing my tailbone pain - omg I'm freaked out - I cannot handle this worry - I really really can't .

10-05-10, 16:05
I have had a colonscopy done just a few months ago, they give you a sedative to relax you, its a little uncomfortable but apparantly i have a bendy colon which is why I had some discomfort but they let some air out as they had put a little bit too much in and it was then fine, but the sedative keeps you lovely and relaxed and calm, plus it also means that you really dont remember much either. I found the prep more difficult than the colonoscopy as you cant eat for 24 hours and I was starving. But once its over and done with the relief at getting the all clear is so worth it.

i had diarrhea, bleeding and pain which is why I had mine, and I was diagnosed with IBS.

your back pain is definately related to your pelvis, plus lifiting children and childbirth in general can cause your back problems. Ihave constant backache and pelvic pain too and had a laparoscopy and they found nothing and said it was hormones and life in general causing the pain such as lifting children and carrying shopping.

if you had cancer in your bones you would be so poorly, please try not to worry

10-05-10, 16:05
Gina relax. I had a colonoscopy this year and I was sedated. Never knew anything about it. At your age it`s highly unlikely that you have bowel cancer.
My friends wife went to the Dr`s on Friday and she is having her colonoscopy today!
If they were worried you would have been seen a lot sooner than June 4th.

10-05-10, 16:43
Gina, give these 2 numbers a call, the nurses really helped me out with my concerns / worries.

Beating bowel cancer 08450 719301 & bowel cancer UK 0800 840 3540

Good luck, let me know how you get on

gina p
10-05-10, 16:49
Thanks so much . I'll call them .

10-05-10, 16:54
Hi Gina
Im sorry you are feeling so worried about this...
I know it is probably hard to feel reassured- but Ill try!:)
As the others have said, its highly unlikely that itll be cancer....I know saying that is easier said than done .... I had similar tests (actually 3 or 4 of them) a couple of years ago now, and due to the combination of my symptoms the drs were worried that it was cancer....(and told me!- not massively useful!) . It turned out to be IBS, but I wont lie and say the possibilty of what it *might* be didnt freak me out

the thing is...worrying about whether it is cancer or not, wont make a difference to whether it is.....

Again, I know easier said than done- and I wont say I got thru it worry free!...but oddly, with it being voiced as a real possibilty I think my mind figured out that worrying wouldnt change it...(oddly I worried more about things when there was little to no possibilty I could have them!)

In terms of the actual test itself, they can sedate you and apart from a bit of discomfort you shouldnt really be aware of it .... by the time it is over, you should get told pretty soon whether there is anything to be worried about, and youll probably be glad to be able to go home and get some proper food! (you gotta be on a bit of a bland diet for the prep for a few days before....this was harder for me than the actual test! dont do hungry very well! :))

I know it can be really hard to relax with tests looming, and to trust drs opinions sometimes when we are so worried ourselves!!

take care

bellab x

gina p
10-05-10, 17:06
you are all so kind . I am so glad that I have found this place where people truly understand each other . Thaanks for ur kind words as well bella b and to all of you .

19-01-11, 09:03
hi there i have a colonoscopy this afternoon i havent eaten now for 20hours and ive got another 8 till my appointment its making me feel panicky as having sugar drops any tips ? also i havent slept due to prep stuff working all night thanks xx

19-01-11, 10:16
have a read of this, hope it helps
