View Full Version : DVT or Muscular?

10-05-10, 17:53

A few days ago my calf felt sore, it's been the same and hasn't changed, hasn't gotten better or worse but it's worrying me now. It's not red or swollen and it doesn't hurt more when I walk on it, it just feels sore at times. The pain isn't really bad, it's feels more sensitive than anything but the more i worry, the more I notice it and it's annoying me now. I have no risk factors for DVT, haven't been any long haul flights or had an operation, no family history etc... I'm thinking about going to my doctor but I don't want to waste his time if it's nothing! Any advice?

10-05-10, 18:10
I've had something like this, like the skin is sensitive to touch almost like a burn?? I've spent so much time prodding it and poking it I made it worse!
I think without swelling or redness or any obvious pain it's safe to assume it's not a dvt, just keep an eye on it and if it worsens pop to drs for peace of mind

10-05-10, 18:25
I've had this too recently and mine is always in my left, one night it even seemed to fiz & then pop, was really weird.

11-05-10, 23:03
Thanks for the replies.:) It hasn't gone away yet, I went out walking today, after a few minutes, the pain went away but when I came home and sat down, it came back again! Bloody weird or what? Might go docs tomorrow to see whats going on.

Going home
11-05-10, 23:39
Hi Ella, if it was a DVT you'd be in extreme pain, to the point where you can't easily walk and the area would be very swollen and very hot, especially after a few days of it. It sounds more muscular to be honest..but I agree with you about just checking it out with your doctor :)

Anna xx

12-05-10, 10:48
It does sound more muscular, I get it occasionally in my right calf and the skin feels sore, very odd, but it hurts when i walk.

See your GP for reassurance but I wouldn't worry about DVT. Your muscle would be very hot, red and swollen.

16-05-10, 00:45
Just a little update.

My leg was hurting really bad this morning so I went to the doctor and had a blood test for clots, it came back negative, and was told it was muscular. You guys were right all along.

Thanks again for your replies, you've helped me a lot. :)

Going home
16-05-10, 01:37
So glad you got it sorted Ella, what a weight off your mind.

best wishes
Anna xxx

16-05-10, 13:27
hi . i do not where you live but the uk. you can go to the doctor and he can sent you to the blood testing peolpe how can find out if you could get dvt. The can tall if you are at risk of geting dvt.
hope this help