View Full Version : Feel so low and sad

10-05-10, 18:42
I am feeling so down and sad today, I'm waiting on my blood test results tomorrow and it's really getting me down I can't stop crying.....my mouth is still sore with lumps (which have been checked) so even if my blood test comes back ok I still have this mouth problem so what on earth could be wrong. On the other hand if my blood tests don't come back normal then more worry and stress etc. OMG I can't stop this spiral of thought and I'm so scared, I just want to be happy again like I used to be and play with my kids......so sorry to vent all this, I don't have anyone to talk to about it really, hubby works away during the week and my parents are not exactly the patient kind I get alot of "oh for gods sake pull yourself together" and "what the blummin eck is wrong with you now" and I'm getting so depressed I'm getting in bed at 8.00 at night and I just dread getting up in the mornings.

Anyway thanks for listening to me whinge and whine

Jo x

10-05-10, 19:09
hey phattgal
try to relax i am sure that your blood tests will be fine. when people are stressed they do get a lot of mouth problems i had an ulcer for well over 2 weeks due to stress.

watch some michael mcintyre and relax for a bit

all the best

10-05-10, 19:27
Please dont be sad! Your mouth is sore as you are so anxious and that brings on mouth ulcers etc. I am sure all will be ok with your results tomorrow and then hopefully your anxiety will calm down and then your mouth will mend!! I know what you mean when you wish you could be happy again, and you will be! Good luck tomorrow and you will be on a high and happy when the results come back normal!! Sarah xx

10-05-10, 20:53
thanks guys..... wish i had some michael macyntire randomworry but i deleted it off the box only last week :doh: itll have to be an evening of family guy instead .x

10-05-10, 21:20
Blood tests are ALWAYS fine or you might be a bit low on iron. I had a few blood tests and each time I was low on iron due to diet and growing...it explained a lot of my depression and anxiety and why I was lethargic. If you do have anything like low iron it will be a relief to have something to work on, not stressfull!
I am glad you are looking to amusement. Yes just keep occupied until you get those results.

margaret jones
10-05-10, 21:37
Hi hun try not to worry and never be afraid to post on NMP we are all here for each other .

Take Care Maggie:hugs: