View Full Version : Hiya *Nervous grin*

10-05-10, 19:14
Hi, erm sorta new to this, I'm 19, 20 later this year. I live in Scotland, between my parents and university. I have PTSD, and occasional intrusive thoughts along with episodes of depression, which are according to my psychologist is due to my PTSD. I can't wait to meet friends here and get sorted. Much love Rosie:blush:

10-05-10, 19:15
Hi Monkeylover

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-05-10, 19:26
Hello Rosie!

Welcome to No More Panic! :welcome:

I know whats its like witht he intrusive thoughts and depression.Its awful, but I think its wise to treat it before it gets too far. I let mine carry on without doing much and now I am in a bit of a mess. You will find many people on here who you can relate to and who you can look to for support!

Take care xxx

10-05-10, 19:29
Hi Rosie

I hope you find the forum helpful and I'm sure you'll meet lots of like-minded people that understand.

Welcome to NMP

10-05-10, 19:34
Hey there Rosie :),

Welcome to NMP, you'll have no problem finding people here who will be able to relate to your intrusive thoughts, PTSD and your episodes of depression. There's also a ton of information within the forum itself which I'm sure you can find threads/posts which you identify with and hopefully you may be able to find answers/techniques to help you along the way.

Take care the now,

Chrissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-05-10, 19:55
http://bestsmileys.com/hello/5.gif Rosie, Have a nosey around the forum, there are loads of nice, friendly folk on here.


10-05-10, 19:55
Hiya rosie.. im also a new member .. it does help theres others out there with the same or simailar problems . i feel a little bit better than earlier before i came on . theres plenty of support here .. take care Antonio

Veronica H
11-05-10, 18:45
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us.


11-05-10, 19:20
Hello and welcome :) I'm pretty new myself. Hope u find the support you need here (I'm sure you will)

Em xxx

12-05-10, 18:04
Hey thank you everyone, it means so much to have so many people reply to my introduction :D

12-05-10, 18:49
That because we're just nice like that lol...and we like being nosey lol

Mr Parfect
12-05-10, 21:21
Welcome to NMP