View Full Version : Obsessive hand washing - any good hand creams?

10-05-10, 21:52

I seem to have developed an obsession for washing my hands. I had it when I was a child but grew out of it, now it's re-appeared!! I'm using vaseline hand cream but it doesn't seem to be doing any good and my hands are really sore. Does anyone know of a good cream that's not too expensive?

Thanks for taking time to read.


11-05-10, 00:20
Try E45 cream, Elspeth. I don't think it's expensive and might help. Perhaps you've been having a stressful time that's triggered your OCD and it's just a phase that'll pass? I had this when I was younger too.

Hope you feel better soon anyway.

11-05-10, 00:22
As someone who washes their hands up to 60 times a day, I use Lubriderm hand cream. I also look for creams that last through handwashings. Most are inexpensive. Try and get non scented because it lasts longer on the skin and soaks in better. take care.

11-05-10, 06:59
Hi Elspeth

i use the body shops almond oil intensive handcream which i have found to be very good.
hope you feel better soon xx

11-05-10, 07:23
I thoroughly recommend The Body Shops Hemp hand cream, costs around £8 a tube but you only need to use a tiny bit & it works really quickly as it sinks into the skin & doesn't just sit on the surface like some creams do.

Rachel W
11-05-10, 10:52
At the peak of my handwashing I could barely move my hands because of the pain and bleeding. I used to get Vaseline (pure petroleum jelly, not the hand cream), and Savlon, or other antibiotic cream. I would put the Savlon on and then literally smother my hands with the Vaseline. I would then put cotton gloves over this. By the morning my hands would be so much better. If they aren't too bad then Neutrogena hand cream is also very good.

11-05-10, 12:48

I wash my hand quite a few tims throughout the day, i'd say nearing 20 times, so not really bad but it still leaves my hands very dry. I use one from the body shop, a vitamin E one. Its pink and I find it works well xxx

11-05-10, 18:01
Hey all

Thanks very much for your replies, I'll try the cheapest first....lol:blush::blush:

I'll let ya know how I get on. Thanks again.