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View Full Version : Just need to talk

10-05-10, 22:56
My anxiety has come back in the last few days. It's such a blow because I felt like I was doing so well...I've had this pain in my left leg for a while and it's been niggling in my mind but yesterday it bubbled over. I can't stop thinking about it today, it woke me up last night. I think it was the worry rather than the pain that woke me. I'm scared to go to bed tonight. I feel like crying. I want this pain to go away. I'm terrified of what it is. I'm scared to even think of the C word so I can't type it but that's what I'm afraid of. This feels so ridiculous because a few months ago, when my anxiety was at its worst, I was scared I had another kind of the C word and it went on for months before I realised nothing was wrong...I feel so silly. But no matter how much I tell myself I'm being irrational, I can't shake the fear. I can't face the idea that this could go on for months the way it did last time. I want to go to the doctor, for the anxiety rather than the pain, but I can't bring myself to do it. I've never spoken this out loud, ever.


10-05-10, 23:17
Oh bless you xx I an exactly the same and have been for about 10 years, I finally went to the dr last week and was prescribed medication and cbt.
Even though the meds are early days I already feel more positive and a little more in control and please don't underestimate how health anxious I was/still am!
I think sometimes you need to get to breaking point before u ask for help, I think you're there now....
Good luck and u can always pm me xx