View Full Version : Hello - I'm new but sadly my anxiety isnt!

The Raven
10-05-10, 23:00
(Not sure how this site works as I am new to it. I have already posted this under the meds I am interested in - Cipralex - but it is GAD that gets me so I will pop it here too!!)

Hello folks,

This is my first time on this thread and indeed with this whole community but sadly not my first time battling against the twin ugly sisters of my life - Anxiety and Depression.

I have a quite high-profile job and have always been regarded as a real optimist and a very positive person. So I was totally shocked when those ugly sisters entered my life for no apparent reason a few years ago and took up residence.

Being a typical 'blokey bloke' (I am in my mid 40s) I thought I could deal with these imposters in my life alone so I limped along unsuccessfully for some time until I was introduced to Cipralex and my life began to improve.

On that same day I also discovered a site called The Anxiety Community while looking up about Cipralex and I think that twin discovery - the meds and that site - played a massive part in my recovery.

But 'recovery' wasn't a permanent state I am afraid. I got quite excited that the Cips had seemingly done their job after a few months and I came off them too quickly - and soon relapsed. The next time I was on them was for longer (a couple of years) and I came off them again when I thought the coast was clear. But now, maybe 12 months later, I can see a similar path to the old one emerging.

The ugly sisters are back and despite doing my very best to fight not flight I am edging towards the realisation that I must go back on the Cips again. It is not what I want to do but I am determined to beat this thing - however long that takes. And I know because I know because I know that a good forum like this seems to be can be a massive aid to helping everyone get through this. In my experience not even your closest friends or family members can truly understand what those of us with anxiety/depression etc go through - on these fourms there is no pretence and no judging. And that is what we all need.

So I just wanted to say hi really and hope that I can find (and give) support here as I did on my old site which seems to be much quieter now (wherefore art thou Sarah et al??)

To the ugly sisters I say - the fightback begins here!!! To the rest of you -I will keep you posted if you'll have me...


Going home
11-05-10, 01:15
Hi Raven and welcome to nmp. I hope you can find some peace here.

Anna :flowers: