View Full Version : Prickly/tingly/pins & needles feeling...

10-05-10, 23:03
I keep getting on-and-off prickly, tingly sort of pins and needles feeling in parts of my left hand, and my fingers,, mostly on left hand but also on right hand sometimes. Its not really tingly coz i get that with hyperventilation (overbreathing) when im having a particularly bad timer with my anxiety, and it feels nothing like that...its more like pins and needles, they hurt sometimes too. Also, i got it in my top lip yesterday (to the left of my top lip) and it went numb for hours, then it went. I had it again today for about an hour then it went. The prickly sharp pins and needles in hands comes & goes throughout the day, I feel it sometimes when my hands are under my pillow at night. What is causing this? Im obviously thinking 'MS!!' coz i twitch/jerk alot too. Im 22.

10-05-10, 23:44
I've experienced this too. I think it's quite a common symptom of high anxiety... The twitching too! It's one of the things that keeps me awake at night lol

11-05-10, 00:21
I am 23, I have been having a tingling/pins and needles feeling in my left foot and sometimes in my left had. They started a week or so ago after I had a panic attack. I've been stressing out about it since. I have herd it is common for anxiety. Thanks for posting this, and hang in there and try not to dwell on it.

11-05-10, 00:33
I get this too,have done for years now and I too worried that it was MS. I do think now however that it is anxiety as it has not progressed and I have had more and more anxiety symptoms. I never hyperventilate either but I think that I am so anxious a lot of the time that I dont actually breath correctly! I am trying to workon this with twice daily meditation but its not easy!!

11-05-10, 03:39
I have this too, excessive computer use or repetitive strain injury a possibility?

11-05-10, 18:27
its gone today so mustve been anxiety lol

22-05-10, 01:19
It is an anxiety trait yes, but also the first sign of anaemia/iron deficiency, which can easily be corrected. Ive had it myself. Go to your doc and ask for a B12 blood test to determine you iron levels. It can be caused by a lack of meat and dairy. Try this before you worry x

22-05-10, 11:23
I have been getting this for about 4 weeks now. The irratation I have in my fingers feels like there is metal filings or bits of glass in them. If I press on them they can be sore then it goes. I have also been getting alot of pins and needles in my hands and feet. Stood on the train the other day and when I got off I had pins n needles. Nightmare.