View Full Version : What I love about this place....

Going home
11-05-10, 00:44
Ive been flitting between the election news and NMP for the last few days and what ive gradually come to notice is the complete absence of any political views here...how good is that? Amongst all the mayhem of hung parliaments (whatever that means and please don't try to explain it sorry :wacko:) strikes and icelandic volcanic fallout, we remain here in our world of support, quietly and steadily encouraging each other and trying to stay positive and have a bit of a laugh if we can. Its not necessary for us to bring our political or religious views into the forum...we have enough just trying to get through the day...but here we are all the same...all equal. Somehow, when you stop and think about it, daft as it sounds, together we are pretty flippin awesome!! :D

Anna xxx

11-05-10, 03:25
I say we join up in our own party and take over the world!!
Problem is that the agoraphobics can't travel and the social anxiety sufferers can't do big get togethers....
Wonder how many you can conference with on Skype ;)
We would either solve all the world's problems or cause an awful mess!
But we'd have a heck of a good time doin it and can't be any worse than the alternative right??

Going home
11-05-10, 23:32
:D xxx

12-05-10, 17:49
great idea haha, prob end up in big mess, but would b ever so funny :)

I agree Anna, very positive here and full of great people, hugs :) xx

12-05-10, 19:42
I'm definately up for a Skype conference:):yesyes: