View Full Version : headachs

help me 21
11-05-10, 02:22
hi all i have bad anxiety have blurry and misty vision all the time 2 days ago i bumpt my head awww painfull had bit 2 drink i feel ok but with my anx high and worring bout it im having blurry vison lil pain in my head do you think i shud be worried help xx

11-05-10, 03:18

This is classic anxiety, i had terrible headaches and blurred vision for quite a while, also awful tension in the neck. are you on any medication?

11-05-10, 09:54
Yes it is anxciety.. Probably a migraine to. I suffer with migraines and i get blury vision. I also get alot of neck tension to when i get headaches.. Headaches are no stranger to me. I have them all the time. Dont worry about it. Its your anxciety i promise x

11-05-10, 10:00
if you havent felt sick after the bang shouldnt worry to much

11-05-10, 10:47
Last year when my anxiety was really bad I went out on my Bithday got so drunk and fell and hit my head on the toilet, the next day I didnt remember anything but had a massive bump behind my ear and then my Husband told me what happened, I had terrible headaches and dizzy and blurred vision even ringing in my ears i really was out of my mind with worry i went to the doctor and he said if i had been sick he would be worried but otherwise it was just a bump and the symptoms were caused probably by hangover and anxiety. A week later I felt fine.

Just try and rest and relax and you will feel better, a bang to the head needs to be watched for about 24 hours. since its been two days I wouldnt worry.

help me 21
12-05-10, 03:40
thank you all for the replys i do feel fine...... i am feeling sick but only get that when i worry and my anx is really high yee i guess its my anxiety

help me 21
12-05-10, 03:41
lavender yes im on citlapram been on them a yr now