View Full Version : Hello thar!

11-05-10, 08:58
Hi, I'm Steve, 23, started having (non-drug induced) panic attacks back in January (I had my first panic attack about 4 years ago after smoking a joint). I don't have panic attacks all that often, not as many as some on here claim, but I do find myself having 'anxiety episodes' a couple of times a day. Soon after my panic attack I started becoming obsessed with my own health, especially after reading in the local newspaper that some guy died of leukaemia, which, quite frankly, scared the shit out of me. For a couple of months thereafter I kept checking myself for signs of leukaemia, thankfully I've calmed down alot now and am very sure I don't have it, though my obsessions did move onto thinking I might have a brain tumour, those too have calmed down though I am still a little anxious about that. My new sort of obsession (I'm trying this time to not let it rule me) is MS.

I've come to realise I have a problem with anxiety, though I'm still paranoid that there is something wrong with me, I've got this chronic ringing in my ears which I understand can be a symptom of anxiety, and it does lessen after a while, so much sometimes I have to think "has the ringing gone?", but like always it'll come back. But it serves as a constant reminder that I suffer with anxiety, but it also serves as a constant reminder that there could be something more seriously wrong with me. I've been to the doctor's alot recently, with certain ailments, had a couple of blood tests (which all came back negative), and the doctor's all said there was nothing wrong with me, no meningitis, no leukaemia, no brain tumour, I haven't had any MRI scans or anything like that, but they all seem pretty confident that there's nothing wrong with me besides having an anxiety disorder. I have to admit I am sort of skeptical that it's all just anxiety, but then I look at this list of possible anxiety symptoms (http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml) and realise that it would be quite a coincedence that I'm suffering from an ailment on that list but it actually turns out be something worse.

Anyway, that's sort of my current situation in a nutshell, oh and "Hi!" :D

11-05-10, 09:00
Hi ClownWithLeprosy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-05-10, 09:07
Cheers. Just a little addendum, I just discovered the 'Symptoms' section on this site which is far and away better than the link I gave. Fantastic stuff.