View Full Version : need help.

11-05-10, 09:18
I am going to the breast clinic tomorrow and i have worried myself sick.I have an ache in my shoulder blade,shoulder,side and hip all on the same side.I have bad nausea and diarrhea and feel full and i have convinced myself i have something terminal.I lay in bed sweating. I had my bloods done in feb/march but i keep thinking somethings started since then.
I have been in this state before but everytime i get any new symptoms i think i have cancer somewhere.I dont want to be like this its wearing me out.
I look online and when i put my symptoms in its always something sinister.I am going to crack up.I know if everything is ok at the breast clinic i will still think i am dying because of all the symptoms i have.

11-05-10, 09:45
What side do you have your pain on, I only ask as I had very similar symptoms to you (although I was constipated) when I had Gallstones, not saying it is but just a thought.
Wish you all the best at the breast clinic, please try not to worry, I know that is easier said than done, I'm sure everything will be fine xx

11-05-10, 10:02
I was told i have a gall stone about 8yrs ago but my pain is on the left side and i think gall bladder pain is on the right.

11-05-10, 10:56
any advice please?

11-05-10, 10:58
what pain do you have?

11-05-10, 11:07
I have an ache in my left shoulder blade area it sometimes feels in my left side,under my armpit, and even down to my hip area.I have nausea and diarrhea.

11-05-10, 11:29
im not sure about the pain in the hip, the whole muscle area is connected. i get aches in my shoulder sometimes left, sometimes right that sometimes refer pain to under the armpit but i dont think i've had the hip pain.

this is something i'm not aware of, can you explain why is shoulder pain or hip pain related to breast cancer? or is it not related?

11-05-10, 11:39
I went to the doctors because i was getting an ache in my left breast area and under my left arm,it could all be muscular but you know how the mind works with health anxiety.The doctor examined my breasts and said she could feel a small pea shaped movable lump but didnt think it was anything to worry about but because my aunt had just died and i was anxious she referred me to the breast clinic.I cant feel one and believe me i have had a feel.
Since then my mind has been running overtime and because i have diarrhea and nausea i am imagining the worst as usual.

11-05-10, 11:50
the clinic will do a mammogram tomorrow? you'll find out soon. nothing can be done right now until you get the results. many lumps are benign as well. i get lots of muscular pains in those areas. left armpit, left chest above my boobs, shoulder, right side etc. i took an extensive blood work today and will get the results end of the week, nervous about that, i know what you feel like. all of us feel that when we believe we have some serious condition and are awaiting results to know. keep us posted on your results. diarrhea, constipation, feeling full, nausea are all IBS symptoms too. i also get nausea for no reason and get scared of cancer. cancer is so broad that you can find information on any cancer on any part of the body. and many people never have cancer. my grandma died at 79 with absolutely never having any cancer in her body. she had many respiratory issues but no cancer. you can have a family history of it and never have it, just keep an eye on clear symptoms. you nausea and muscle aches are not clear symptoms. get the lump checked and then you can put your mind at ease. try your hardest to stay positive, tell yourself it's not cancer and keep you mind off it. nothing you can do at all until you get tested and get the results. make sure they do a proper test to rule out the lump.

11-05-10, 12:10
Thanks for reply.I know i need to think positive but its so hard when we get new symptoms and the health anxiety takes over.My aunt died 2 weeks tomorrow from cancer and i was there and i know it could have sparked all this off again but when the doc said about the lump my anxiety rocketed and probably made everything worse,the fear just consumes your life.I hate it.:weep:

11-05-10, 12:16
Hi Zippy

Sorry you are still feeling so low, I am the same at the moment and know how awful it is.
With regards to the breast clinic, you will feel at ease tomorrow as from past experience with breast clinics the staff are so lovely and reassuring and the fact that your you can't feel a lump is a good thing, after all you know your breasts best:)

Hope this helps feel free to PM again if you want.xxxxxxxxxxx

11-05-10, 12:29
Thanks mowog. I just need to get a grip and give myself a shake,I started getting anxious just putting my breast clinic referral letter in my bag for tomorrow lol!I am an emotional and physical wreck and i wasnt 2-3 weeks ago before my aunt died.

11-05-10, 12:34
This health anxiety problem is really awful. I know how you are feeling, I feel the same. Is there at chance your nausea and upset stomach is just due to the anxiety? The minute I have a panic about a health problem, I rush to the loo! It's also probably that the recent loss of your aunt (sorry about this...) has triggered an intense fear of cancer? Good luck. At least it helps to have found a forum where we all feel the same. I'm sure it will be a good outcome.

11-05-10, 12:38
its very understandable and your loss was very recent so that will make everything worse, all the stress & grief all mixed up. sorry for your loss. i am still suffering with anx since grandma died 1.5 yrs ago. and i keep thinking i have what she had and will have it. unfortunately the truth is cancer needs to be detected early but also another true fact is that most people don't have cancer and many have benign lumps. the quicker tomorrow comes, the quicker you can get it over and done with and the results i'm sure will put your mind at ease.

11-05-10, 12:56
I know my aunts death is contributing to it all as i started getting the ache a few days before she died,and the breast ache is maybe stress/anxiety or muscular but its the not knowing.And rationally breast cancer probably wouldnt cause nausea and diarrhea.

16-05-10, 09:36
Hi Zippy, i'm just following up to see how you are doing and how your doctor's appt went? Hope all is well with you hun. :hugs: