View Full Version : CRP & ESR

11-05-10, 10:29
I had a FBC, ESR & CRP last Tuesday and the CRP & ESR were slightly raised. Is this something to be concerned about as I am now in total panic and have been feeling better? The DR has requested I have another test again in 2 weeks time, though has just requested CRP & FBC.

I have heard these are raised in certain cancers and this was my original HA. since opening the letter yesterday, I have gone into panic and come down with an almighty cold; sneezing, running nose, sore throat, cough, sweats & chills. Absolute nightmare. I really fee; as if I have gone backwards.

11-05-10, 22:02
YOur levels are probably raised because you were harbouring a cold! When they say your levels can be raised in cancer they mean extremely raised - my friend had multiple myeloma and her ESR was 200 ( normally under 10 or 14 I think) and in auto immune diseases like lupus etc your CRP will be very high.

Mild infections as in colds etc can raise both of these slightly - reason Gp wants them done again is in case they are on the upward spiral so if you had another one and ithey had shot up high then he would need to investigate further but almost sure you will find that as your cold gets better they go down.

Slighlty raised is nothing to worry about.

Going home
11-05-10, 23:53
Ok guys...what language is this? :huh::)

12-05-10, 00:01
I think you posted about this the other day as well didn't you?

My CRP with Crohn's went up to 343 and it is supposed to be 1-10.

I know the Crohns is playing up when it goes above 10.

That means I have an infection going on

12-05-10, 09:46
The CRP/ESR are tests for inflammation/infection. If you have been unwell recently with a virus it is very likely that is the cause of them being raised. I wouldn't worry at all xx

12-05-10, 11:04
Thanks to you all for posting. I was told that they were slightly elevated and this week I have come out in a stinking cold, so chances are I had the virus in me last week when I had the test down. Thanks again.

12-05-10, 11:07
That is more than likely the cause. I wouldn't worry.

Get well soon x

12-05-10, 19:57
Hi my levels were also raised when i had tests done, he didnt say by how much though, got the crp redone and it came back fine , was admitted to the hospital at that time with a suspected blood clot that turned out to be bad rib inflammation pain(costochondritis) at the time of the first test so im thinking thats what caused it to raise , but he also did say there can be no exact cause for it. But i wouldnt worry too much as a cold will certainly cause the level to raise xx

13-05-10, 10:01
Thanks Jessica, Kittykat.