View Full Version : can't make a decison

11-05-10, 11:22
I thought that I had started to manage my panic attacks, but I am having the most awful one. I cannot make any decsion about my life because I feel the outcome to any decision will be wrong. I can't decisde which school to send my daughter to, I have already changed her place once. I feel so bad because it is affecting her. We are meant to be buying a house, which I am not sure about, but is all we can afford in our price range. I feel whatever happens will be wrong, I just can't get a grip. My partner is running out of patience with me. I can't sleep, eat and feel depressed. I haven't washed up or tidied up for days. I don't know what to do, as daughter has to go to school and we have to move. To make it worse where we are moving to all the children go to a school I am not keen on and I want to send her to a different school, but I then risk making her different from everyone else in the village.
I'm sorry I just don't know what to do, I'm neglecting family and myself. I don't know what to do. I just want to make a decision and live with it and accept that it could be right or wrong. But at the moment I just have a blind panic and the inablity to do anything.
Sorry. Any words of wisdom? I know reading this website really helps.

11-05-10, 11:26
Hi Hope

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-05-10, 12:02
I can only really speak about my own experiences, but I generally find that most people with an anxiety disorder have bits of everything, bits of OCD, bits of General Anxiety, bits of health anxiety etc. But these generally all share a certain underlying perfectionism, which causes the anxiety to get worse. I think part of the problem is the feeling of anxiety and feelings in general are an abstract, there is not a full-on physical manifestation of it anywhere else apart from inside our own bodies. What I think you should do is perhaps list the pro's and con's of each of the situations, talk them over with your husband and with your daughter, this way you can make a group/family descision, what you can't do is be passive about things though, otherwise you start to create doubt within yourself which then leads to anxiety.

11-05-10, 13:09
Hello! Firstly, how long have you felt like this because from some of the things you have said it sounds as though you may have slight depression. I would go to your dcotor firstly and see what can be done there.

Secondly I would definately agree with clown, it does seem like the underlying problem for everyone here is do to the right thing and feeling the pressure of being ok. I would sit down and say to yourself ok write a list saying what is important.Then write down how you can make that happen.Now if you start to panic just take deep breaths and remain calm. Now, say your question is the school for your daughter, look at the school in terms of what is important, if it feels right and fits your criteria then believe it is the right school. As for the house, I can't give you much advice there because its not something I know about, but if its an ok area with good amenities then surely it can't be that bad right?

Take care of yourself xxxx

11-05-10, 13:34
Thank you, I had forgotten how wonderful the people are on this forum and all the information on this website. Your replies really helped. :) I tend to think I'll do that, make a decsion and then in my head I start saying, 'but if I do this that might go wrong or this might happen', never positive always negatative thoughts. And I don't actually know do I? but in my head it is all bad. I feel I need to get back in control. I so envy people who just do things and don't panic like this! Thank you both for the advice it has really helpful and it is a relief to have someone who understands and can suggest practical ways to move on. Thanks xxx