View Full Version : citalopram 60mg + neurontin 900mg+ diazepam 10mg

11-05-10, 11:33
These are my current medications. I am thinking of going back to my GP and saying I need to start all over again but of course I am terrified of doing this. I am 45 and have been on anti depressant and anxiety meds since I was 18 so I have been through doctors, psychiatrists, programs, CBT, and a library of books. I am still alive which is also an achievement given the level of my depression and anxiety.
Why am I thinking of stopping and changing. All my life I have started meds on small doses gone through to the maximum and had periods of relief and then they just stop working or the side effects become more debilitating than the depression. The above meds have kept going up and up and with smaller and smaller changes in improvement of condition. I am now experiencing the daily, tremors, shakes, sudden hot flushes, ectopics, sweating, swimming and feint head sensations, lack of balance, shortness of breath, headaches, nausea, changes of reality and so forth.
The citalopram has now done like they all do, stopped working and now is just a collection of side effects. The neurotin and diazepam are all additions that seek to flatten out my mood and anxiety but they don't help and there is just a chemical firefight in my head now that must be causing all these awful side effects.
I want to go to my doctor and ask to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital to come off these medications and start new ones but I doubt if that will be the case. I will be told to go home reduce these serious tablets and try others and it is so frightening each time this happens. I honestly feel I am losing my mind and coming off these medications is no picnic as most people on here will understand.
Sorry for long message just really tired of it all.
Love Anabelle xxx