View Full Version : shakes with the Blips??

jaded jean
11-05-10, 13:01
Hi all
I have noticed than when I have a blip I get the shakes as well. My day starts with slight agitation and anxiety then about lunchtime the hands start to shake. does anyone else get this . Am on day 34 of cit

12-05-10, 02:52
I just started cit, but I had this problem when I first got my anxiety and when I was on Paxil as well. It came down to the fact that I was worrying about it! Make sure you're eating well, take a multivitamin every day and drink plenty of water, then hum a song and live in the moment. The blips aren't gunna hurt you unless you let them. Try to keep your head up, mate!

jaded jean
12-05-10, 06:32
cheers Faethra.
Ijust feel worse this time in fact it feels like the begining.

13-05-10, 11:25
Oh yeah,the shakes are there. It sounds silly, but I've found changingmy diet helped. I increased my salt intake, and also started grazing on slow-release foods like nuts and seeds and dried fruit - I found the shakes reduced, if not going away entirely.

jaded jean
13-05-10, 11:56
Hi BunnyMazonas.
Thats an intersting theory as I have slackened off the nuts and seeds as this was supposed to be helping with my menopause but as usual 'Got Bored' and dont use salt anyway but willing to give it a try again. try anything to stop the flippin things.
Thanks again

13-05-10, 12:03
Hi Jean,

Sorry you feeling like you are shaky etc. I can remember getting that when I took citalopram...not sure why, its wierd cos when you are feeling o.k you forget all about it but I read your post and can remember worrying cos my hands were all shaky and it lasted for a while. I think its just all down to the meds and settling down etc, it does take a while for them to settle properly but they will, as I know it did go. I kept thinking it was to do with low blood sugar but even after I had eaten I still had it.

What are we like eh?? I am having a bit of a blip at the moment too, today is my day off and it has felt worse, its obvious to me that work distracts me from how I am feeling even though at the moment I am having to push myself in there as I am feeling so crap on waking and its taking its time to go. How can it be that in the evenings you feel (or I do) so good and as soon as I go to bed I wake up feeling so awful all over again!!!

Hope you feel better soon.
Take care.

jaded jean
13-05-10, 12:24
:winks:Hi Jo. I read in someones post earlier that it was the dread of going to bed knowing you were going to feel like cack again the next morning because of the blips. We have got some strength from somewhere tho eh? because we go to bed we sleep , we wake up have a silent battle with the chatterbox. then after breakfast we get the shakes like some junkie who is on a come down, Its sad on reflection that the best time of my day is fro 3pm till bed time.Its like right I have a time frame to enjoy myself and be happy. Crazy or what? Yes i WILL GET BETTER SOON ITS JUST THE INBETWEENIE BITS THAT BUG ME:D

13-05-10, 12:44
Hi Jean,

Lol!!!:D That so made me smile...its good to share a laugh!!!


jaded jean
13-05-10, 13:02
Hi Jo.
you are welcome. Thats what its all about :shades:
speak soon.
Jean xx

13-05-10, 15:54
Hi BunnyMazonas.
Thats an intersting theory as I have slackened off the nuts and seeds as this was supposed to be helping with my menopause but as usual 'Got Bored' and dont use salt anyway but willing to give it a try again. try anything to stop the flippin things.
Thanks again

If you can afford it, maybe buy those graze boxes from graze.com once or twice a week - I find it easier to eat my seeds and stuff when they are in little snacky packs like they give

jaded jean
13-05-10, 16:56
Brilliant will defo give them a go