View Full Version : Clinical depression site to help!

11-05-10, 13:41

I really just wanted to share something that I have found to be somewhat helpful for my depression.


I found this site, if you sign up for the free trial they send you an e-mail everyday with steps to beating depression. I didn't know whether it was going to work when I first signed up and I still am not sure however the information given is very interesting and makes sense. If you do have trouble with depression then i seriously reccommend looking at this. It is very helpful especially when it explains about negative thinking, dreams etc.

Please give it a go, after all it can't hurt!

In the words of Dr Frsier Crane (just because im watching it!) I bid you good mental health! xxx

11-05-10, 15:11

I've just checked the site out, and read the "Depression Learning Path". I'm going to actively turn my negative thoughts around, rather than just relying on prescribed drugs to get me through the worst of it.

There is some reference to modern western societies being more selfish than in the past. In fact, I've recently discovered that being selfish and self-centred makes my depression worse, while thinking of others and doing things for them (without being a doormat or being controlling), really helps. Sadly, I'm not naturally altruistic ... :D

11-05-10, 15:56

The site has got some very good easy to understand information.

It is really positive of you to be actively trying to beat your depression, well done, good luck, just trying has got to be a success of sorts.

tcx .. andrew

11-05-10, 17:07
:yesyes:hey hallam - sounds good, i will check that site out - western societies suffer with depression more - i think its totally to do with how we live - wanting to have stuff and then have more and more and to be utterly focused on gaining material wealth!

plus most ppl i know are selfish and i can also be very selfish too, and i feel better if im being accepting and understanding and forgiving, but also doesnt come naturally, and i think thats to do with how we are in the west?

11-05-10, 17:28
Hey guys,

DownsintheNorth: it sends you steps everyday which in turn takes you down the learning Path. It is very easy to follow and really opens your eyes to some of the things that you might be doing that aren't necessarily healthy.

Andrew: Yeah the steps are easy and it gives me something to do everyday that feels like im helping myself so I guess thats a good thing.

Emma: Yeah I think you are right, the western world is very focussed on material wealth and thus feels the depression more because of this. I don't think you are alone in feeling selfish because to a point everyone is. Sometimes I catch myself wanting a better phone or something but I stop myself because I know that I really am not going to feel lasting happiness from it. I like yourself feel better when i am doing something for somebody else which proves to me that we aren't all selfish!

Give it a go, it really opened my eyes to negative thinking, all or nothing thinking, emotional arousal and dreams. It helped and calmed me down!

Laura xxxx