View Full Version : Large Mouth Ulcer/Pain in Arms

11-05-10, 14:06
I have a very large mouth ulcer (canker) and have an appointment to see my dentist tomorrow. I feel terrible, malaise, tiredness and alarmingle pain in my shoulders and arms all the way down to my hands. I feel very very worried. Is it normal to have pain in the arms when suffering from mouth ulcers/canker sores?


11-05-10, 14:13
Interesting SB, as I have bleeding gums, was told by the dentist that I have a lot of bacteria in the mouth and not to wait as I needed scaling down quit quickly. I have been feeling like you, arms, shoulders, malaise and I have been getting hot spells. When I phoned to make the appointment the receptionist ask how long I would need as the dentist is part time. When she looked at my notes she said that the dentist had written peridontal disease at the back of the mouth and gingvitis at the front. I am sure that this would cause bacteria to circulate around my body and I guess this would be the case for you too if the sore is weeping or bleeding.

11-05-10, 15:12
thank you for this. yes, it makes me feel quite ill.

what treatment did you receive?

11-05-10, 15:50
I`m off to the dentist on Thursday. Try rinsing your mouth with Corsodyl, you can purchase from any supermarket. It`s very good for Ulcers and gum problems.

11-05-10, 16:16
is corsodyl good for curing them? i'm using it a week without improvement.

11-05-10, 16:25
Yes very good, recommended by dentists. Are you using it twice a day and 10ml each time?

11-05-10, 16:47
yes and also using salt water.

not worried by ulcer, moreso the arm pain. is this normal?

11-05-10, 17:46
Hi there,

I worry when I get mouth problems, in fact I have a little mark on my tongue that I have had for a few weeks that I check everyday...

Anyway, the reason I wanted to reply was about the arms. My health anx started with dreadful shoulder and arm pain. To cut a long story short, I thought I had Rheumatoid Arthritis - had a negative blood test, so decided I had motor neurone...and so the downward spiral began....

I am not quite (mentally) well yet, but I am getting there. But back to the arm problem. I am not a doctor, but in my case, it was quite simply due to the tension I carried across my upper back and neck. It has taken 3 months of osteo treatment but is loads better. And having been unable to believe that these arm (and even hand/finger problems, such as pins and needles, stabbing pain etc) were due to anything other than a serious debilitating problem, I have to face facts. My arms got better as my neck muscles relaxed, and if I over do the laptop etc I have problems again.

I see a lot of posts about weak hands, numbness etc and when you are so stressed about the sypmtoms it is so hard to believe that it could be to do with tight neck muscles, but I think I am now getting it. If you look at nerve diagrams, you can get referral pain almost everywhere, but especially arms, shoulders, head and so on...

And yes the mouth ulcer is of course linked...by anxiety and stress...classic symptoms...

Hope you feel better soon x

12-05-10, 12:31
thank you so much stressbunny!